Travelling for work purposes

Page updated: 01/04/2022

We are reducing the amount of travel we do, so before travelling, consider whether the journey is necessary and agree it in advance with your manager.

We have said that we will become a net zero carbon local authority by 2030. Therefore, limiting the travelling and commuting we do is essential to achieving this.

We have the technology to hold meetings virtually, therefore, before travelling, you must consider whether the journey is necessary.

If you need to travel, you are required to choose the most cost effective mode of transport e.g. electric pool car or public transport, and the purpose of the journey should be for a specific official business reason. Examples may include:

  • Where there is a statutory or business requirement for the meeting to be held in person rather than online meetings
  • Where attendees do not have access to the necessary technology
  • Where disability may preclude someone from using technology to communicate
  • To establish and maintain work relationships e.g. new employee induction, team building
  • Where learning and development can only be provided from a fixed location or face to face e.g. manual handling training
  • Some employee relations meetings where trade unions and/or employees prefer to meet in person
  • Meeting with service users
  • Some democratic meetings with elected members

This list is not exhaustive, and instances will depend on the type of service you provide. Read our Travel Policy for further detailed information.