Digital Skills Survey Results (Staff Voice)

Democracy (Our people)

Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence (HR)

Disciplinary (Employee relations)

Disability: Reasonable adjustments (Equality & Diversity)

Disruptions to working arrangements (Leave and absence)

Directory (HR)

Digital Mentors (Supporting your digital skills)

Digital Accessibility (Supporting your digital skills)

Digital fun to develop your skills (Supporting your digital skills)

Digital Skills for Business qualification with Gower College Swansea (Supporting your digital skills)

Digital Courses (Supporting your digital skills)

Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence - Learning and Development (Learning and Development)

Digital Induction for Care Staff (Learning and Development)

Dementia (Digital Induction for Care Staff)

Dementia (Social Care Wales Workforce Development Programme [SCWWDP])

Dealing with Trauma and Bereavement (Stress, Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing)

December 2024 (Self-Care Calendar)

Domestic Abuse (Help and Support)

Dyspraxia (Neurodiversity)

Dyslexia (Neurodiversity)

Documentation Logging (Health & Safety)

Departmental System Administrators (IT Support)

Decarbonisation and Biodiversity (Transformation Workstreams)

Disposing of records (Records Management)

Data Protection (Information Governance)

Do's and Don'ts (Procurement Guidance)

Driver Awareness Assessment (Travel & Parking)

Department Specific Acts and Legislation (Place, Infrastructure & Economic Development)

Dyfed Powys Local Resilience Forum (DPLRF) Loggist Training (Place, Infrastructure & Economic Development News)

Digital Systems team (Place, Infrastructure & Economic Development)