Recruitment (Working bilingually)
Regulations (Working bilingually)
Role & Responsibilities of a Councillor (Member Development Toolkit)
Recognise (Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence)
Respond (Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence)
Refer (Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence)
Record (Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence)
Religion and Belief (Equality & Diversity)
Retirement (Leaving the council)
Redundancy (Leaving the council)
Recruiting an Agency Worker (HR)
Recruitment (HR)
Restructuring (HR)
Recording Absence (Sickness Absence)
Return to Work Interviews (Sickness Absence)
Reasonable Adjustments (Disability) (Sickness Absence)
Related Absence (Sickness Absence)
Reporting (Workforce and succession planning)
Reading (Welsh Language)
Record of Attendance (FAQs)
Reducing Alcohol Consumption (Lifestyle Advice)
Resources and Support (Stress, Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing)
Rape and Sexual Assault (Help and Support)
Request a Referral (Occupational Health)
Refusing a Health Surveillance (Health Surveillance)
Reporting an Accident / Incident / Near Miss (Health & Safety)
Risk Assessments (Health & Safety)
Records Management (Information Governance)
Records Management (1) (Information Governance)
Raising a debtors invoice (Finance & Payments)
Rules and legal obligations (Procurement Guidance)
Risk Management (Our people)
Rearranged - Clwb Clebran with Gareth Davies (What's on)