Public meetings / events (Working bilingually)

Principles of Conduct in Public Service (Officer Code of Conduct)

Personal Conduct (Officer Code of Conduct)

Political Neutrality (Officer Code of Conduct)

Personal Interests (Officer Code of Conduct)

Personal Resilience (Member Development Toolkit)

Public Speaking (Member Development Toolkit)

Personal Safety (Member Development Toolkit)

Perpetrator (Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence)

Purchase of Additional Annual Leave Scheme (FAQs: Employees)

Premature Birth/Hospitalised Baby Leave and Pay (FAQs: Employees)

Probation (Jobs & Careers)

Parental Leave (Leave and absence)

Paternity Leave (Leave and absence)

Purchase of Additional Annual Leave (Leave and absence)

Premature Birth/Hospitalised Baby Leave and Pay (Leave and absence)

Pay & benefits (HR)

Pay (Pay & benefits)

Pension Scheme (Pay & benefits)

Phased Return to Work (Sickness Absence)

Pre-Employment Checks & Hired – Recruiting Manager (Oleeo Recruitment Guidance)

Personal Effectiveness (Corporate Learning Opportunities)

Policies & Procedures (Corporate Learning Opportunities)

PPE (Digital Induction for Care Staff)

Personal Care (Digital Induction for Care Staff)

Personal Resilience and Wellbeing (Digital Induction for Care Staff)

Photography Competition (Events and Activities)

Personal Safety (Health & Safety)

Print and Scan (IT Support)

Portable Devices (IT Support)

Private Teams Meetings / Leave or remove someone from a group chat (Microsoft Teams)

Prosiect Zero Sir Gâr (Our people)

Performance Management (Our people)

Parc Myrddin (Carmarthen)

Pembrey (Meeting Rooms)

Payments Section (Financial Management System - Unit4 ERP)

Procurement (Our people)

Procurement guidance (Procurement)

Procurement Expression of Interest Request (Procurement)

People Manager Events (Communities)

Place & Infrastructure Pool Cars (Travel & Parking)

Place & Infrastructure (Our people)

Place & Infrastructure Management Team (Place & Infrastructure)

Place & Infrastructure News (Place & Infrastructure)

Place & Sustainability away day (Place & Infrastructure News)

Public consultations / engagement events (Place & Infrastructure News)

Poweri Bi (Place & Infrastructure)

Power BI Super Users (Poweri Bi)

Preparing to report your measures (Place & Infrastructure)