Handling personal data

875 days ago

As a Council we collect and use a wide range of information about our customers, clients, employees and residents in order for us to carry out different functions.

If we don’t take care of this personal data and it is lost, stolen, disclosed inappropriately or otherwise misused, this could have a serious impact on the individuals concerned ranging from distress, financial loss to actual physical harm.

Misusing personal data is also breach of Council policy and could lead to disciplinary action.

A common data protection problem is sending emails to the wrong person – so always double check addresses before emailing personal data. Sending personal data to the wrong recipient is a breach of the UK General Data Protection Regulation and the Council could face a fine from the UK Data Protection regulator, the Information Commissioner’s Office, for serious or persistent personal data breaches.

Our Handling Personal Data Policy helps us handle personal data securely, to prevent breaches and comply with our security obligations under the Data Protection legislation.  Please take the time to read and understand this policy.

You can find out more and complete the data protection e-learning module, by going to the data protection page