Leadership Academi - Cohort 2

11 days ago

Building on the success of Cohort 1, applications are now being sought for Cohort 2 of the Leadership Academi.

The Academi offers 3 levels of learning as follows:

LD1 - Aspiring Leader

LD2 - Emerging Leader

LD3 - Evolving Leader

How to apply:

If you are interested in participating in the programme please submit an Expression of Interest and you will be invited to a briefing session to discuss each level in more detail including the content of the programmes.

When considering applications for this programme, the team seeks a balance of organisation representation, as well as candidates' professional experience and current organisational responsibilities.


Expression of Interest

The application for the Expression of Interest closes on the 15th July 2024. Please use the link to apply.


A briefing presentation will be held on the 19th July 2024. This will provide you with more information about each programme level and will give you an opportunity to ask any questions.

Invites to the briefing session will be sent to those who have submitted their Expression of Interest form by the closing date 15th July. 

Formal application:

For those who have expressed and interest, application forms will be made available after you have attended the briefing session. 

They will not be sent out automatically in case you decide not to apply. 

Closing date for formal applications: 9th August 2024

Academi Start date: Week commencing 30 September 2024

We recommend that you speak to you manager to confirm your availability to commit to the full programme.

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