Plastic Free July 2024

21 days ago

What is Plastic Free July?

Plastic Free July is a global movement that helps millions of people be part of the solution to plastic pollution – so we can have cleaner streets, oceans, and beautiful communities. They provide resources and ideas to help you reduce single-use plastic waste every day at home, work or even school. This is a challenge that can be organised as a team or by yourself to see how much plastic you can reduce in a month.  

Why is it important?

More single-use plastic is being produced than ever before. Simply put, that means more plastic, more waste and more pollution. The Plastic Makers Index 2023 recently revealed that the global population used 139 million tonnes of single-use plastic in 2021, up from 133 million tonnes in 2019. That’s an increase of almost one kilogram of single-use plastic per person on the planet.

The impact on our wellbeing.

You may not know but plastic has a huge impact, not only on our environment but also on our physical health. Apart from chemical exposure from everyday plastics, there’s health hazards associated with air and water pollution resulting from plastic manufacturing. At disposal, the burning of plastic releases toxic gases and metals that are carcinogenic. This means that ensuring we reduce our plastic use is becoming more urgent.

What can we do?

You might feel that the problem is too great and that there is nothing you can do. But while not the sole cause of climate change, single-use plastics are a significant contributing factor, so the action you take will make a difference. Small changes to our everyday lives can leave a lasting positive impact on this planet.

Here are few tips you can do this July:

  1. Avoiding landfill waste and protect the ocean: By taking steps to avoid plastic items that usually end up in landfill, we can help prevent items breaking up into microplastics that cause lasting harm to wildlife and marine ecosystems.
  2. Reducing consumption and production: By taking steps to refuse, reduce, reuse and refill, we aren’t using up as many of the earth’s resources. Millions of people around the world are altering their shopping habits, choosing to actively avoid excessive plastic packaging.
  3. Reducing human health impacts: By taking steps to avoid food that is wrapped or heated in plastic, we can limit potentially hazardous chemical exposure.

For more information please go to Plastic Free July.

For more information on the Council’s project Zero campaign please got to Prosiect Zero Sir Gâr.

For Help and Support please visit our Health and Wellbeing Pages.

If you or your team do decide to take the challenge, let us know how you get on by emailing health&

Article submitted by: Health & Wellbeing Team