The Season of Lent
1 day ago
The fasting season of Lent begins this year on March 5th, the day after Shrove Tuesday, also known as Pancake Day. Lent, derived from an old English word ‘lengthen’ is a period of 6 weeks or 40 days (not including Sundays) and continues to April 17th; It is observed in Spring, when the days are becoming longer.
What is lent?
Lent is the 40-day season which lends itself towards helping people eliminate bad habits and build good ones, similar to new year’s resolutions or a 30-day challenge.
Lent is often viewed as:
- A season of self-improvement
- A period to eliminate a vice or bad habit.
- A time of self-reflection.
Many of you will spend this time testing your will power and self-discipline by giving up some of our favourite foods or vices. Before you give something up, consider “what” and “why”; for example, you may decide to give up certain foods or something you have been overindulging recently. This may include chocolates, crisps, alcohol or even screen time or time watching tv in the evenings.
Studies show, while it takes approximately 21 days of conscious and consistent effort to create a new habit, it takes longer to break an existing habit.
Alternatively, instead of eliminating a vice, why not:
- Try something new or begin a new hobby
- Use the period to help yourself or others e.g through incorporating the 5 steps to mental wellbeing into your daily routine
- Try daily meditation through Viva Insights on Teams.
If you can exercise self-control instead of giving in to temptations there are a range of social benefits, improving your overall mental health and wellbeing.
See our intranet pages where there is a range of physical and mental wellbeing advice to support you.
Article submitted by: Health & Wellbeing Team