Think Before you Drink Challenge!
1 day ago
For many going completely sober for a month is a challenge too far or may lead them to drink even more once the month is up. However, if you are one of those people who may have found that their drinking levels have crept up, having less alcohol-free days, drinking a couple more drinks when you do drink… it may be time to take stock and take back control.
Get involved in the Carmarthenshire CC Think Before You Drink Challenge…
Aim of the challenge
To cut down on drinking days and amount consumed over a 4-week period (and hopefully beyond).
To drink on no more than 6 occasions in the month of January, and when drinking have no more than 4 units.
How it works
1. Download the Dry Days app by AlcoChange.
2. If happy to allow it to send you notifications so you are reminded to log your drinking/non-drinking.
3. Complete your current drink profile.
4. Each day, use the ‘My progress’ tab to log whether you have had a drink and if so, what.
5. Send in a picture of your calendar showing how well you have done, as well as how much you have saved (optional!)
• Think before you drink – if you are going to various parties, work out which ones you will drink at and maybe offer to be the designated driver for the others.
• Think about what you are going to drink instead of alcohol. Often when not drinking around others it can be the first 1 or 2 drinks that are the hardest and then it’s not as bad.
• Have some alcohol-free alternatives at hand for when you fancy a drink.
• Get a colleague, family member or friend to do the challenge with you.
• When drinking, stick to drinks like single gin and tonics which are one unit, have soft drinks or water in between.
Find out more
If you would like more information on cutting down your alcohol consumption visit our intranet pages or the Alcohol Change UK website.
Article submitted by: Health & Wellbeing Team