Job Sharing Policy and Procedure - September 2020

8. Application Procedure - Existing Job Holder(s)

An employee can make an application to the line manager for his/her current post to be considered for job sharing using the Flexible Working Policy and procedure.

If the proposal is agreed in principle the process of recruiting a job share partner will commence in line with the Council’s Recruitment and Selection Policy.

The employee who makes the request will continue to work their full time hours in line with his/her existing contract of employment until a job share partner has been recruited and agreement reached with both partners on the division of the post.

If, after advertising twice for a job share partner, the remaining job share post remains unfilled the employee will continue to work their full-time hours and further discussions will be held about the viability of job sharing. Other flexible working options may need to be considered at this stage between the manager and employee, e.g. working 4 days per week instead of 5.

Alternatively, two existing employees may approach his/her manager(s) with a job share partnership proposal for one of the posts they currently occupy, to be considered in line with the Flexible Working Policy.

Where the post holders currently occupy posts on the same grade and each partner meets the essential requirements of the person specification for the post in which they are proposing to job share, the manager can consider accepting the job share proposal on a trial basis of up to 12 weeks prior to confirmation on permanent basis.

There may be circumstances where two existing post holders on different grades and skills sets approach their manager(s) with a job share proposal. In these circumstances it is inappropriate to match and trial the partners and normal recruitment and selection procedures should be followed to seek a suitable job share partner for the individuals concerned.