Carer’s Leave Policy

How can carer’s leave be taken?

Carer’s leave can be taken flexibly. The key requirements are:

  • When using the leave, you must take a minimum of half a working day at a time; a working day meaning your usual working pattern. There is no need for the leave to be used on consecutive days. If you work full time, you could therefore take five separate days over a 12-month rolling period.
  • You are required to provide notice, although this does not need to be in writing. The notice must include the fact that you are entitled to take carer’s leave and the day(s) or part of a day that will be taken.
  • You are required to give notice which is either twice the length of time being requested, or three days, whichever is the longest. This notice can be waived with mutual agreement from your line manager provided you are otherwise eligible to take carer’s leave.