Carer’s Leave Policy

Identification and disclosure

You are not required to disclose to your line manager that you are caring for someone but are encouraged to do so. This will help us provide appropriate support to you. Line managers will respect the confidentiality of any information provided to them in this regard.

When you disclose to your line manager or via the Equality and Diversity section of ‘MyView- Dashboard’ that you are a carer, we will process any personal data collected in accordance with our data privacy statement. Data collected from the point at which you inform us of your caring responsibilities is held securely and accessed by, and disclosed to, individuals only for the purposes of supporting you with your caring responsibilities (for example when dealing with requests for flexible working).

Where a manager knows that you have caring responsibilities, your line manager should discuss the support that our organisation offers carers and encourage you to access this support. Please see our Support for Carers web page.