Say Something in Welsh (SSIW)
Page updated: 11/05/2023
SSiW is an online course that helps you speak and understand Welsh by sending you regular email challenges. You'll have access to your dashboard via the website or app to listen to and repeat the phrases heard. There are two options available to become a 'confident Welsh speaker.'
- 6 minutes a day for a year
- 4 hours per week for 6 months
You can complete these challenges at a time that’s convenient for you, ideally before the next set of challenges arrive. This course does require a high level of self-discipline, therefore it is advisable that you allocate time in your calendar to complete the tasks each week.
Please note – we recommend you completing ‘Learn One Sentence in Welsh’ for a week before registering for this course. Please contact us to note your interest.
Applying for a Course:
Complete this application form noting the course details and return to:
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