Welsh Language Mentor
Page updated: 10/06/2024
What is Mentoring:
Mentoring is very beneficial for individuals to help them learn, grow and improve their skills. It “is a relationship between two people with the goal of professional and personal development.” (Mindtools). It is a long-term relationship where the focus is on supporting individuals’ growth and development.
As an authority we provide mentoring support in various areas including Welsh language. Welsh language mentoring provides support to individuals on their learning Welsh journey to increase confidence to use more Welsh in the workplace with colleagues, clients and customers.
Individuals have Welsh language mentors for various reasons such as:
- Gain more confidence to speak more Welsh
- Support alongside learning Welsh
- Practice speaking with others
The role of a Welsh language mentor:
First of all, you don’t need to be ‘Welsh’ expert to be a Welsh language mentor. If you are able to speak Welsh with others that’s simply all we ask for. So yes, your Welsh is good enough! We are seeking Welsh speakers and to inspire and encourage staff to use Welsh in their day to day working lives, making this a less daunting task for our staff.
Many staff sometimes feel that they are judged, scared or worried about using the language in front of others. As a Welsh mentors you can help reduce these barriers by supporting staff to grow in confidence by creating opportunities for them to simply have a Welsh conversation.
As a Welsh language mentor, you are supporting people who are learning Welsh to practice the language, or you can help people increase their confidence to use more Welsh in the workplace, with customers or clients. Also, this is a great opportunity to help others, develop new skills and gain new experiences to enhance your CV
Giving anything from just 10-minutes per week can help staff feel more confident to use the language. So together, we can help staff with what we do best, simply having a chat.
- Patience
- Motivated and enthusiastic
- Listening skills
- Supportive and helpful to other
- Have a positive attitude
- Reliable
Welsh language mentors support people on their learning Welsh journey, whether they are starting from the complete beginning, need a refresh or want to increase confidence in a safe environment. Mentors do an amazing job to encourage staff to practice the language on a 1-1 basis and ultimately increase confidence to more of the language across the Authority.
You will be expected to:
- Help and inspire other to ‘give it a go’
- Support others with their Welsh development
- Raise awareness of using Welsh in the workplace
- Increase people’s confidence
- Maintain confidentiality
- Remain unbiased
- Work within the organisations’ policies and procedures
You will not be expected to:
- Teach Welsh
- Be a ‘Welsh expert’
- Correct their grammar
- Do it for them
Becoming a Welsh language mentor is an excellent opportunity for personal development to be a part of someone’s journey in using the Welsh language. You will receive training from the L&D adviser and receive regular updates from the Welsh mentor teams channel.
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