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Your ideas

15/12/2021 11:40

MOT's on ALL council vehicles are carried out at Trostre - not only does this have cost implication (Fuel/Officer Time/Wear & Tear) to each Section/Department it has even bigger impact on the Authorities Carbon Footprint. Maybe this can be looked by where either MOT's can be done in the other Depot's or agreements with local garages?

14/12/2021 17:35

Car clubs are handy for people in Twon Centres with limited/no parking or those just wish to give up their own car now that there is more working from home arrangements. If the Council offered use of their pool cars under a carclub scheme on evenings and weekends this would generate income and support people to give up the need to own their own car.

19/11/2021 12:23

I filled in the Carbon footprint questionnaire and came to the question - How do you heat your home ? I use coal - It was not there as a choice .Why not ? I can't be the only one !

12/11/2021 07:08

Schools could write to parents asking them to consider car pools to take children to and from school, to cycle/walk to school where possible and not leave cars idling.

11/11/2021 14:22

I have recently changed my bins in the kitchen: the big bin is for recycling and the small bin for black bag waste. Subconsciously, less is going in the small bin and more in the bigger bin. I have also swapped in the bathroom and it works really well. I am gearing up for the reduced waste target. Give it a try!

10/11/2021 12:00

Should we now be looking to temporarily close some of our buildings that aren't being fully utilised to make better use of the space we have available to us and cut down on the running and IT costs.

08/11/2021 15:10

Could we provide more locations for electric car/van charging, as building the infrastructure may encourage services to procure electric vehicles.

04/11/2021 12:07

Use any spare land secured as part of the Tywi Valley Path scheme for native tree planting/ mini forest creation to offset CCC's carbon figures

04/11/2021 11:48

Management of our public open space - looking at managing grasslands for pollinators (cutting less/cutting higher/removing arisings) would also use less fuel and contribute to our Zero C targets. We have started on this process but support for more action would be great.

04/11/2021 11:46

The council should declare a Nature Emergency. WG did this in June 2021 and believes there should be parity between actions taken by the Welsh Government to tackle climate change and those taken to tackle biodiversity loss. You can solve one emergency without solving the other. Officers in the Conservation Section are discussing this with senior management.