Risk Management
Page updated: 04/02/2025
The Council is committed to a proactive approach to risk management to ensure the process becomes embedded. Clear identification and assessment of risks will lead to a more effective use of resources and direct improvements to the service for our customers and stakeholders, as well as improve corporate governance and performance.
By being more risk aware, the Council will be better placed to manage threats and take advantage of opportunities. The Council has a Corporate Risk Register which highlights the strategic risks facing the Council. Additionally, Directorates and Projects formulate risk registers which record and monitor their risks; these are reviewed on a regular basis.
The Unit aims to minimise overall losses to the Authority through monitoring internal and external experiences and developing and implementing pro-active initiatives to minimise the Authority’s exposure to the diverse range of risks facing Carmarthenshire County Council. The Risk Management Unit ensures that strategic and operational risks are fully identified and managed by the Authority and as part of this management organises and manages an appropriate Insurance portfolio with a view to defend against unexpected costs.
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