Touchdown zones

Page updated: 23/10/2024

Touchdown zones are available in core buildings and additional locations, such as libraries and leisure centres, across the county. The zones provide convenient drop-in workspaces for when you’re in the area or between meetings.

This page offers information on each location. You can browse by town to find each touchdown zones and see what facilities are available at each site.

In addition to our core buildings, we have secondary touchdown zones in leisure centres and libraries. These locations are equipped with Wi-Fi and are open on a first-come, first-served basis. While some locations may not be fully equipped, they still offer a functional workspace.

The primary touchdown zones are equipped with sensors to help us determine how well the spaces are used. They operate on a first come first serve basis. Spaces cannot be booked in advance

Please remember that these spaces are corporate and available to all employees.

*Note: The opening times for some locations in our libraries and leisure centres are limited. Please check each location for specific access times.