Spring Step Challenge 2024

27 days ago

To celebrate National Walking Month, we are launching our Step Challenge! The concept is simple – do as many steps as you can over the 2-week period.

There are many ways to get your steps in, whether it be getting out for a walk in your lunch break, walking to the local shop instead of driving, getting out for a jog after work or even marching on the spot during your virtual team meeting (it’s been known to happen!). Every step counts so be as inventive as possible.

This year’s step challenge is going to be a little bit different. Instead of being added to a Teams Channel, participants can download an excel spreadsheet.

This year’s challenge will take place between Monday 13th of May at 12:00am until 26th of May at 23:59. You can participate as both an individual or a group. The maximum number of people should be 10.

Each week the excel spreadsheet will calculate your average steps (this is done for both individuals and groups).

At the end of the two weeks, there is the option of submitting your average steps in a Microsoft Forms. If you would like to submit your steps, we can see which individual or team did the most steps and a winner will be announced in June.

However submitting your steps is not mandatory and if you would like to download the excel forms and keep track of your own steps for your personal use, that is also an option.

To find out more about it, please go to our intranet pages. If you have any further questions, please email health&wellbeing@carmarthenshire.gov.uk.

Article submitted by: Health & Wellbeing Team