Think about how your personal resilience can play a key role in how you manage stressful and difficult situations.
Personal Resilience
Have a look at how to manage yourself and your time during your role as Councillor.
Managing Yourself and Your Time
See how mentoring can support you in dealing with new or personally challenging situations.
Mentoring & Coaching
We have a variety of IT support to help members in their role.
Find out how to inspire others, persuade people to see your point of view or create relationships by using effective influencing and negotiation skills.
Influencing & Negotiating Skills
Explore the latest thinking in political leadership and equip yourself with the knowledge and skills you need to rise to challenges.
Leadership & Development
Find out how you can make an impact and convey your message clearly.
Public Speaking
Understand the legislation associated with intimidation and how to effectively respond to abuse, intimidation, and threats in your role as a Councillor.
Handling Intimidation
Incidents of violence towards public figures is rare, however we would like to remind all members of the resources available on how you can keep safe.
Personal Safety
As part of the Council’s commitment to provide training to all staff, the corporate management team have identified key eLearning modules, this includes Welsh Language Awareness.