Freedom of Information
Page updated: 06/11/2023
The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) gives a general right to access recorded information held by public authorities such as Carmarthenshire County Council.
Recorded information includes information held electronically or on paper such as letters, reports, emails and even handwritten notes. It also includes photographs and a range of other formats.
Requests by people for their own personal information are dealt with separately under the Data Protection Act 1998.
How are requests made?
Anyone can make a request for information. A request must be sent to the Council in writing and include a name and an address for a response (requests for environmental information can be made verbally).
Requests can be submitted by email, using our online form or by letter.
However, requests can and do arrive anywhere in the Council. For example, they are sometimes included in letters of complaint, or in correspondence where the request may not even refer to the Freedom of Information Act.
Once we receive a request (and if we need it, clarification to enable us to search for the information that has been requested) we are required to provide a response within 20 working days.
What should I do if I get a request?
Requests for items such as brochures, leaflets and other publications don’t need to be dealt with under the Freedom of Information Act.
Requests that ask questions like “please explain your decision to….” should also be treated as routine correspondence.
However, if you get a request that is asking for recorded information, especially if it seems that the information shouldn’t be disclosed, or if you are in any doubt, refer it immediately to the:
Information Governance & Complaints Team
County Hall
SA31 1JP
Tel: 01267 224498
For more information please visit our Freedom of Information page on the Council website.
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