Relatives & the Nearest Relative AMHP Refresher

Who is it aimed at?

Approved Mental Health Professionals (AMHPs).

What are the objectives?

The training aims to refresh the knowledge of AMHPs about issues relating to the nearest relative under the Mental Health Act. The training will specifically address the following, using recent case law where appropriate:

  • Identification of the nearest relative and the implications of mis-identification
  • The role and rights of the nearest relative
  • An examination of what is meant by “reasonably practicable” and “objection”
  • The law as it applies to the delegation of the role of nearest relative
  • The law in relation to both the appointment and the displacement of the nearest relative

How will it make a difference?

This training will support AMHPs to practise effectively and within the law when faced with complex issues relating to nearest relative.

Delivery method:



1 Day


No Charge

How to apply:

If you work for Carmarthenshire County Council (CCC) and are logged into a CCC device – PC, laptop, tablet or smartphone, complete this application form.

If you work for the Council but do NOT have access to a CCC device or an email address your line manager will need to apply on your behalf.

Council employees cannot apply for any courses from their own personal device.

Partners, agency staff or people who do not work for the Council cannot apply for this course.

The online application system will only show courses that are actively open to book a place on. If the course you are interested in isn’t listed you can register an interest with the Learning and Development team, email:

Find out more information on how to make and manage your application. If you need any assistance or have a query please email the Learning & Development Team.