Step by step guide

Page updated: 27/02/2025

Checking availability of a room

If you wish to know when a meeting room is free before organising a meeting you can easily open its calendar from Outlook’s calendar view.

Step 1

Go into your own calendar – best to open it in a new Window and ensure you are in calendar view.

Step 2

Click on Home – Select "Open Calendar" > From room list.

Step 3

Cut and paste the meeting rooms Outlook name (this information is provided on the room details) or search for the meeting room. All meeting rooms are prefixed with "Meeting room" to make them easier to find. When you have found the correct room, double click to select it and click ok.

Step 4

This will open the calendar alongside your own. From here you can check availability for your preferred date and time.

On the left you will see it is now in your list of shared calendars.  By ticking / unticking the box you can view / hide the calendar for the room. So you can keep the rooms that you regularly view in your list of shared calendars.

These instructions have been produced for adding / viewing meeting rooms but you can use the same method for any calendar that you have permission to view e.g. colleagues / pool cars.   If there is ANY room listed that you try to open and cannot view, please log a call on the helpdesk as ALL rooms should be viewable by all staff.

Next Step: Booking a room