Performance Management
Page updated: 11/05/2023

Performance Management Framework
Our framework sets out the Council’s approach to monitoring and managing the performance of the Council’s services. The aim of the Performance Management Framework is to keep the Council on track and focused on delivery of its key priorities, by providing councillors, managers and staff with the information and tools they need to deliver high-quality and high-performing services which help to achieve good outcomes for residents.
It is more important than ever that the Council knows that what we spend and what we do is having an impact on outcomes, and that we know and manage our business sustainably, effectively, collectively and at service level.
Well-being Future Generations Act
The Well-being of Future Generations Act (2015) is a law which is about improving the social, economic, environmental and cultural well-being of Wales.
It means that we must do our work in a sustainable way, and think about the impact our work can have for people living in Wales, now and in the future. We must work with other public bodies in Wales to:
- work together better
- involve people reflecting the diversity of our communities
- look to the long term as well as focusing on now
- take action to try and stop problems getting worse - or even stop them happening in the first place.
The Act requires public bodies to implement five key ways of working in its future decision making: looking to the long-term; taking an integrated approach; involving a diversity of the population; working with others in a collaborative way; and understanding the root causes of issues to prevent them from occurring.

Corporate Strategy 2022 - 2027 (Including our Well-being Objectives)
The 2022-2027 Strategy sets out the direction for us over the next five years, incorporating our improvement and well-being objectives as defined by legislation. It sets out our direction of
travel and priorities as an organisation.
The strategy outlines our vision for the future in 4 well-being objectives -
1. Enabling our children and young people to have the best possible start in life (Start Well)
2. Enabling our residents to live and age well (Live & Age Well)
3. Enabling our communities and environment to be healthy, safe and prosperous (Prosperous Communities)
4. To further modernise and develop as a resilient and efficient Council (Our Council)
All actions and targets in the plan are monitored throughout the year via PIMS Dashboards and reported on every quarter.
Judge for yourself as to how your service is doing and how you are contributing.....

Why do we need Business Plans?
Business Plans are an essential component of the planning framework. They help translate strategic objectives, to service objectives, to individual staff targets. - enabling teams to get on with delivering it.
They provide an open and transparent way of showing managers, staff and Councillors what is to be achieved and the plan to do it. They show how resources will be used to achieve objectives and the service improvements expected. They help involve staff in developing the service. Allowing contributions from everyone to improve performance – ensuring goals and targets are realistic. They show what we get for what we spend.
A copy of your Business Plan is available from your Line Manager.
APPRAISALS - Recognise. Grow. Together
Our new appraisal approach!
This is a new philosophy of how we conduct appraisals, using a ‘strengths based’ approach:
Building on what’s working, so we can do more of it
Moving from what is wrong, to what is strong
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