Disciplinary Policy and Procedure Guidance Chief Officer

5. General Principles

Informal resolution is preferred to formal disciplinary procedures where appropriate.

All cases where disciplinary investigation or action relating to Chief Officers is being considered must be referred to the Assistant Chief Executive and Head of Law, Governance & Civil Services or nominated representatives.

The disciplinary investigation or formal procedure may be suspended at any stage to explore mediation as a means of resolving the disciplinary matter if appropriate and agreed by the relevant Chief Officer.

It is in the interests of all parties that proceedings be conducted expeditiously. It is recognised that it would be inappropriate to impose timescales that in practical terms could be difficult to achieve.

Suspension should not be automatic and should be a last resort depending upon the circumstances of the case.   Please read our Suspension on our Intranet.
Other than in circumstances where there is an urgent requirement to suspend, officers covered by this policy will be entitled to be accompanied by a work colleague or trade union representative at all stages.