Looking Beyond the Label

Who is it aimed at?

All staff who are supporting individuals with a learning disability.

What are the objectives?

This training aims to encourage positive attitudes towards people with learning disability, looking at the way you work and how you can change the way you work in the future. It will include:

  • How we are seen in society. Talk about the barriers faced by people with learning disabilities in daily life.
  • Look at the 8 damaging labels.
  • Look at de-valuing language.

How will it make a difference?

The training will offer delegates an awareness of barriers faced by people with a learning disability and an understanding of different models of disability and how they influence how you work.


Delivery method:



1 Day


No Cost

How to apply:

If you work for Carmarthenshire County Council (CCC) and are logged into a CCC device – PC, laptop, tablet or smartphone, complete this application form.

If you work for the Council but do NOT have access to a CCC device or an email address your line manager will need to apply on your behalf.

Council employees cannot apply for any courses from their own personal device.

Partners, agency staff or people who do not work for the Council but meet the eligibility criteria to attend this course should complete this application form.

The online application system will only show courses that are actively open to book a place on. If the course you are interested in isn’t listed you can register an interest with the Learning and Development team, email: learninganddevelopment@carmarthenshire.gov.uk

Find out more information on how to make and manage your application if you are a council employee or visit this page if you do not directly work for us. It is important that you complete the correct online application form, if you need any assistance or have a query please email the Learning & Development Team.