Page updated: 02/05/2023
In this section of the intranet you will find find information for both Councillors and Officers on the democratic process.

Do you want to submit a notice of motion? (For use by elected members only)
Before submitting a Notice of Motion or question to Council or Cabinet – have you considered whether you have an interest to declare? If you need legal advice, please contact Steve Murphy, Monitoring Officer or Robert Edgecombe, Deputy Monitoring Officer.
A Notice of Motion must be delivered to the Chief Executive no later than 10.00 a.m. 7 clear working days (NB clear days does not include the day the motion is received or the day of the meeting) before the Council meeting at which it is to be considered.
Written notice of every motion must be delivered to the Chief Executive either in hard copy (to be signed by at least two members) or by email (all signatories required to be copied in) not later than 10 a.m. 7 clear working days (i.e. clear days does not include the day the motion is received or the day of the meeting) before the Council meeting at which it is to be considered.
Please direct all Notices of Motion to the Chief Executive's Office to the following e-mail address: or in writing.
Agendas & Minutes
Access all committee agendas and minutes. Help us to become a paperless Council, don't forget you can view and annotate committee documents on your iPad with the app.
Council Diary
What meetings are held, where and when. Search by month for a full list of all public and private meetings.
You can view webcasts of live and archived meetings while they are happening and for up to 6 months afterwards.
Forward plans
The forward plan is a list of the council’s key decisions that will be made over the next year.