Employee relations
Page updated: 17/01/2025
‘Employee relations’ refers to the relationship shared among our employees, our recognised trades unions and our organisation.
It is all of our responsibility to support and maintain a healthy environment at work, to discourage conflict and encourage a healthy relationship in our workplace. This is to ensure our energy is focused on delivering and improving our services for the benefit of the public we serve.
The policies and procedures contained in this section aim to support and maintain a positive working relationship between all parties. Advice can be sought from your line manager, the HR Team or your recognised Trade Union Representative.
Trade Union Facilities Time Agreement
We value good working relationships between Elected Members, managers and our employees. We support the system of collective bargaining to resolve issues affecting our workforce and for this arrangement to be maintained would encourage all of our employees to join an appropriate Trade Union.
As an employee and union representatives of the Trades Unions recognised by us you are entitled to reasonable time off during working hours, with pay, to carry out certain Trade Union duties and training.
The purpose of this Agreement is to set up a framework to ensure the needs of the service are protected whilst at the same time ensuring the needs of trade union representatives are recognised and accommodated.
Please read the Trade Union Facilities Time Agreement (.pdf) for further details including its scope and general principles.