Do's and Don'ts
Page updated: 20/03/2025
- Do contact Corporate Procurement Unit for advice.
- Do ensure that any potential conflicts of interest are declared at the earliest opportunity.
- Do allow sufficient time to undertake the procurement exercise e.g. approximately 9 months for an above threshold tender.
- Do comply with the appropriate rules – e.g. Contract Procedure Rules (CPR).
- Do check with the appropriate funding body (if the procurement is subject to external funding) to ensure that the procurement exercise is being undertaken in a manner that complies with their requirements.
- Do advertise via Sell2Wales if the estimated value is over £25k.
- Do ensure that the specification is precise and not in excess of the requirements.
- Do provide any clarification on the quote/tender is in writing. Anonymise the question and answer and distribute to all known bidders/tenderers.
- Do ensure that the Evaluation Criteria is directly relevant to the subject of the contract i.e. use of Sustainable Development and Community Benefits.
- Do ensure that you obtain agreement from members of the tender evaluation panel before issuing invitation to quote/tender documents.
- Do ensure that quotes/tenders are evaluated on a ‘like for like’ basis.
- Do complete and retain full records for future reference and audit purposes
- Do ensure that you treat suppliers in an open, transparent and non discriminatory manner
- Don’t avoid the aggregation rules. Ensure that you calculate the value of the Goods, Works or Service over the duration that it is required.
- Don’t skew the specification to eliminate SME’s or to discriminate against suppliers.
- Don’t change the scope of the specification once distributed.
- Don’t change the evaluation criteria during the process.
- Don’t give companies too short a notice to quote.
- Don’t enter into too much detail verbally with suppliers regarding specific questions.
- Don’t reveal prices to potential suppliers.
- Don’t breach confidentiality.
- Don’t open quotes/tenders in advance of the deadline.
- Don’t consider submissions received after the deadline.
- Don’t accept targeted gifts/hospitality.
- Don’t use suppliers’ own terms and conditions.
- Don’t undertake post-tender negotiations.
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