Personal Safety

Page updated: 23/01/2025

We are committed to protecting the health, safety and wellbeing of all of you and aim to provide and maintain a safe and secure environment.

Violence, aggression, harassment or intimidating behaviour is unacceptable in any form. You should not be subjected to unacceptable behaviour during the course of your duties as a ‘normal part of your job’.

Lone working

Lone working activities are undertaken by a wide variety of employees within Carmarthenshire County Council. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) define lone working as ‘those who work by themselves without close or direct supervision’.

If you are defined as lone workers you should not be at more risk than other employees.

Lone working activities can be undertaken on or off any of our premises so consideration should be given to both. Examples of lone working activities include:

  • Working alone on Council premises;
  • Working alone in the Community;
  • Working from home;
  • Travelling alone;
  • Undertaking home visits;
  • Stand-by activities and key-holder call outs.

Violence and aggression

The term violence and aggression covers a wide range of incidents, not all of which involve injury. Workplace violence and aggression has been defined as:

  • Actual or threatened physical assaults;
  • Psychological abuse e.g. persistent and substantial emotional abuse;
  • Verbal abuse (which includes shouting, swearing and gestures);
  • Threats against any employee which occurs.

Harassment and bullying

Harassment and bullying from any source is unacceptable in any form and will not be tolerated by us. Incidents of harassment or bullying may be referred to the police. Some aspects of harassment and bullying will fall into the scope of the Equalities Act and the protected characteristics contained within it.

Harassment and bullying occurs when someone is repeatedly and deliberately abused, threatened or humiliated by an individual or group of individuals due to the work they undertake e. g. service users or their families, members of the public or people in receipt of Council services.

An overarching risk assessment for sexual harassment has been developed and Managers should ensure that they include any specific risks within their service in their activity risk assessments and take any reasonable actions to prevent the opportunity for sexual harassment to employees from both internal and external sources.

Internal cases of harassment and bullying should be referred to the Behavioural Standards in the Workplace Guidance and Grievance Procedure, and with support and guidance from People Management (HR Officers).