Flexible Working Policy
In this section
3. Principles
- Each application for flexible working will be considered on its own merits and subject to qualifying criteria.
- Employees will be provided with appropriate support and information during their application by their line manager with advice from the HR Team.
- An employee may request to be accompanied by a recognised trade union representative or official, or a work colleague as a companion at the meeting or the appeal meeting.
- Employees can expect to have their application considered fairly in accordance with the set procedure.
- Applications will be dealt with in accordance with the time limits prescribed unless both parties agree to an extension.
- Applications will only be refused where there is a clear business ground for doing so. The reasons for rejecting the application will be clearly explained.
- All agreed contractual variations under this procedure will be recorded in writing.
- A successful application will result in a permanent change to the employee’s terms and conditions of employment.