Energy - How can you make a difference?
Page updated: 20/11/2023
In February 2019, we were one of the first local authorities to declare a climate emergency and made a commitment to becoming a net zero carbon local authority by 2030.
We have since been the first local authority in Wales to publish a net zero carbon action plan, which was endorsed by full council in February 2020.
Prosiect Zero Sir Gâr will shine a spotlight on every effort that continues to be made as we work towards being a completely carbon neutral authority by 2030.
To achieve this we’re asking you all to be involved - every effort and change made - large or small - will help towards the target of becoming net carbon zero
We generated 1,317,121 kWh of renewable energy during 2022/23 an increase of 1,106,902kWh from the previous year
The Council’s Total Energy Consumption (kWh) decreased by 5.65% from 67,694,145 in 2021/22 to 63,869,172 kWh in 2022/23
As a council we report annually on emissions deriving from four key areas; Non-domestic buildings, Streetlighting, Fleet mileage and Business milage and we have successfully reduced our carbon emissions by 36% since 2016/17
What we have been doing?
Prosiect Zero Sir Gâr involves everything from ensuring that all new major build projects such as homes and schools are energy efficient and incorporate renewable energy, to retro-fitting older buildings with an extensive range of energy conservation measures, including solar PV panels, LED lighting replacement, lighting controls, pipework insulation, building fabric improvements, boiler upgrades and water and heat saving technology.
As non-domestic buildings account for 70% of our reported CO2e emissions, ‘smart’ meters are in the process of being installed in all Council buildings to enable greater control and monitoring of our utilities consumption. This will also enable automated electronic billing for our utilities to be introduced, thus removing the need for intensive checking of paper-based invoices and credit notes.
How can you make a difference ?
Prosiect Zero Sir Gâr is about everyone a lot of us doing little things can make a big difference.
Energy - Use as little Energy as possible
• Turn off lights and appliances when not in use
• Do not leave computer screens on standby
• Do the lights need to be on? If there is enough natura light, turn the lights off.
• If you can use the stairs instead of a lift
• Encourgae everyone to have a hot drink at the same time. This prevents the kettle being boiled serval times.
• Do not have windows open and the heating on at the same time
• Ensure the building is only being heated when people are occupying it
Find out more about Net Zero Carbon by 2030 and Prosiect Zero Sir Gâr
I’ve got an idea
If you have an idea, or your already playing you part no matter how small.
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