New Service Improvement Review Framework Approved

Page updated: 08/05/2024

The Transformation Board has approved the following Service Improvement Review Framework to ensure we have a  robust process for the service reviews where opportunities for transformational change and improvement identified are optimised and departments are supported in progressing their projects alongside their essential ongoing work.

1. Identification of Review Programme -Use of data and intelligence to identify priorities e.g., Corporate Performance Monitoring reports and CMT discussion
- Requests from Transformation Board/CMT/Cabinet
2. Scoping of Review - Ensuring that we are clear on what we expect to achieve/outcomes
-Sign off by Directors/Heads of Service/Service Workstream
3. Undertaking Review - Service to allocate capacity to ensure that reviews can be carried out in timely manner
-Reviews to be undertaken in line with a consistent methodology which has been designed and adapted to meet the specific needs of Carmarthenshire and is underpinned by the Council’s Core Values.
- Outcomes to be reported to Service Improvement Workstream
4. Development and Delivery of Service Improvement Plan - Development of delivery plans that set out of how, when and by whom actions will be taken to address findings of the review
- Heads of Service to provide leadership and commitment to the implementation process
- Development of measures to evaluate outcomes
- Actions/measures to be integrated into service business planning process
5. Sign off from Transformation Programme - Evidence of significant change and improvement
- Evidence of ability to create long term-sustainable change
- Production of key measures to be reported into corporate performance management framework
6. On-going monitoring of performance - Corporate Performance Monitoring reports to CMT
- Monitoring via Corporate Data unit
7. Further Corporate Intervention (if required)

- Transformation Team required to undertake further review / Provide support
- Request that Intervention Team take over interim management of the service