Efficiencies and Value for Money
Page updated: 15/05/2023
Jonathan Morgan - Head of Homes and Safer Communities
To continue to deliver financial savings through efficiencies or cost reductions and smarter ways of working.
- Continue to monitor and investigate areas of routine/repetitive spend with a view to making further reductions in expenditure in these areas, where appropriate.
- Support the identification and delivery of PBB efficiency savings at both a corporate and service level.
- Identify other opportunities for efficiency savings through cost reductions and / or smarter ways of working
- Ensure that the Council can make best use of internal and external ‘Invest to Save’ opportunities to generate financial and/or productivity savings
- Ensure the Authority has robust processes in place for commissioning and contract management that are clear for staff at all levels of the organisation and adhered to across all our diverse services.
- Encourage staff to think more innovatively in relation to commissioning and procurement activities and challenge existing ways of working through category management.
Project areas |
What we are doing |
Supporting Divisional Budget Managers to identify potential financial savings at corporate and service level. |
• Reviewing Divisional Budget reports and meeting with Budget managers has supported the identification of efficiency savings for 24/25 and beyond.
• Service specific saving opportunities- An action plan has been developed to support the execution of short- and long-term opportunities. |
Staff Planning | • Working with departments to identify ways to implement sustainable staffing structures with the aim of reducing costs associated with overtime and agency. • Reviewing the impact of standby arrangements to ensure they are appropriate to services needs • Reviewing the 8% allowance arrangements to ensure they are appropriate to services needs. |
Routine Spend Analysis | • Following the development of a PowerBi dashboard 6 monthly reports are being used to target analysis of high cost or rising cost areas to support early intervention and solution development |
Invest to save | • Raising awareness of the potential to access Invest to Save opportunities within the Council to support service efficiency initiatives within services. • Seeking to identify potential forms of external funding to support this work |
The purpose of transformation is to improve, to become a modern, innovative, and dynamic organisation we all want to work for. If you have any ideas for ways to make something within the council even better, let us know, all ideas are welcome, transformation is for everyone. If you feel your department could benefit from being involved in one of our current projects, please get in touch and start your transformation journey with us.
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