Service Design & Improvement

Page updated: 08/05/2024

Gwyneth Ayres - Corporate Policy and Partnership Manager

To provide for a more sustainable and creative approach to the review, remodelling and improvement of Council services.

  • Develop a strategic, evidence-based, and inclusive approach to the identification of transformation reviews and projects with a view to ensuring that the review programme is focussed on supporting key Council objectives and priorities.
  • Develop a 3-year rolling programme of reviews.
  • Support the development and adoption of an innovative and inclusive approach to the undertaking of reviews, where all relevant stakeholders are effectively engaged in the process.
  • Monitor the delivery programme to ensure that reviews are completed in a timely manner and deliver on required outcomes.
  • Ensure that robust governance arrangements are in place at the outset of each review to ensure that projects have strong leadership and capacity to undertake the review.
  • Oversee the development of robust delivery plans and ensure that these plans maximise the opportunities to deliver transformational change and improvement.
  • Oversee the closure, sign off and post evaluation stages of reviews and identify opportunities to share learning and good practice with the rest of the organisation.
  • Make effective use of performance data and other information to ensure sustainability of outcomes from reviews post closure and sign off.
  • Develop an internal customer evaluation framework to enable the Transformation Team to continuously review and improve our own project practices.
  • Develop and implement a model to support a ‘self-help’ approach to the review of service processes.

Project areas

What we are doing

Monitoring • The workstream continues to monitor progress in implementing the outcomes from previous transformation reviews and support those services in addressing any remaining barriers to change.
• The workstream is currently working in this capacity with :
  • Debtors,
  • Risk Management,
  • Property Design,
  • Pensions,
  • Staff Travel
Transport Maintenance Unit • A review of the Transport Maintenance Unit was completed in Autumn 2023.
• An action plan is underdevelopment to implement the recommendations of the review
Member Enquiries • A review was undertaken in Spring 2023 with 8 recommendations approved.
• Following a successful pilot of a new Member Enquiry system the system has been rolled out to all members.
• The department continue to work with IT to develop the system
Carmarthenshire Integrated Community Equipment Store • A review was completed in 2023 and a report has been submitted to the department for consideration.

The purpose of transformation is to improve, to become a modern, innovative, and dynamic organisation we all want to work for.  If you have any ideas for ways to make something within the council even better, let us know, all ideas are welcome, transformation is for everyone. If you feel your department could benefit from being involved in one of our current projects, please get in touch and start your transformation journey with us.