Page updated: 04/08/2023
Jake Morgan - Director of Communities
To exploit the opportunities presented by a move to hybrid working and to further rationalise the Council’s accommodation portfolio and modernise and improve the working environment within the remaining core buildings.
- Strengthen the Authority’s approach to asset management to support financial, economic, social, cultural, and environmental objectives.
- Clarify the Authority’s vision for future accommodation and improve the performance management of assets. Apply and embed sustainable development principles in the way we plan, deliver, and monitor the management of assets.
- Oversee the delivery of a property rationalisation plan to reduce the portfolio by up to 50%, lowering building maintenance and utility costs: with an increased emphasis on asset transfer and energy efficiency.
- Work in partnership with managers, staff and trade unions to create inclusive workspaces that support staff wellbeing and better service delivery. Workspaces will be consistent, well equipped, and fit for purpose. Support a shift to more people working remotely, helping them to build on progress made during the pandemic and better understand the benefits of remote working.
- Strengthen ongoing management and maintenance of buildings to ensure that facilities are delivered in the cost efficient and sustainable way whilst meeting the needs of building users.
- Ensure the development of strategies and plans to support sustainable development and contribute to Net Zero Carbon targets. Encourage and empower staff to be innovative when commuting to the workplace and when travelling as part of their day-to-day work.
- Work in partnership with the wider public sector, through the PSB, to make best use of resources across organisations in Carmarthenshire.
- Present staff with increased choice and opportunity to live and work in their local communities promoting a good work/life balance and wellbeing. Ensure that accommodation, systems, and technologies are available to staff to support this hybrid model of working.
With the growth of Hybrid working staff are increasingly needing different types of space to meet, work and collaborate.
Following consultation on future accommodation requirements, the Transformation Workplace workstream has been working to rationalise our accommodation portfolio whilst modernising and improving the workspaces in our retained core buildings.
To date we have:
Completed the reconfiguration of office accommodation on 2 floors at Ty Elwyn. Education & Childrens
Services staff based in Llanelli are now working together on a single floor of Ty Elwyn with Housing staff from Eastgate based on another floor alongside Health staff with better meeting facilities and flexible working spaces created.
Sold Parc Dewi Sant and relocated staff to Spilman Street, and County Hall.
Relocated staff from Old Library and Ammanford town hall to Ty Parc Yr Hun and future options for these spaces are being considered.
Started a usage study in Parc Myrddin to determine the needs and options for the staff currently based here.
Project areas |
What we are doing |
Office accommodation rationalisation | • Reviewing the accommodation needs of the workforce across Carmarthenshire and working to rationalise the estate footprint following the changes in working patterns resulting from a move to Hybrid working,
Understanding workplace occupancy | • To support the understanding of our workplace occupancy and needs the Occupeye system has been deployed with sensors to record desk and meeting room usage. The data from this system will be used to support decision on the future accommodation needs. |
The purpose of transformation is to improve, to become a modern, innovative, and dynamic organisation we all want to work for. If you have any ideas for ways to make something within the council even better, let us know, all ideas are welcome, transformation is for everyone. If you feel your department could benefit from being involved in one of our current projects, please get in touch and start your transformation journey with us.
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