Strategies and Action Plans

Page updated: 11/06/2024

Carmarthenshire County Council Health and Wellbeing Team aim to;

  1. Encourage and support you to make positive lifestyle changes and take responsibility for your health, through provision of advice, support, events and activities;
  2. Influence the improvement of the environment and culture of the authority in order to reduce any barriers to enable this improvement; and
  3. Contribute to wider policies, processes and activities that have an influence on staff’s overall wellbeing


Wellbeing is more than just healthy lifestyles, your wellbeing is affected by your relationships, your ability to develop and grow, how comfortable you are in expressing your culture and language, whether you feel you are being treated fairly, your resilience, how much you feel part of something and your financial stability.

Therefore, it is the responsibility of the whole authority to maintain, improve, support and consider our own, our teams and even the wider communities health and wellbeing in everything we do.

The goals below have been adapted from the Wellbeing & Future Generations Act 2015.


The overall objectives are:


  1. To assist you to improve their health and wellbeing through education, activities and encouragement


  1. To improve the working environment thus enabling improvements in staff’s health and wellbeing


  1. To improve the culture of the organisation towards health and wellbeing

As part of our targeted interventions we have developed and continue to develop action plans with specific Departments, Services and Schools, identified as priorities and agreed through the respective DMTs. Priorities are determined through analysis of data, staff surveys and departmental feedback and risks.

These are live documents updated regularly and provide information on the proposed interventions, timetable and details of how the outcomes will be monitored. This last point is key for us to try and identify what is working, and what isn’t so that we focus on using the most effective interventions.