Request a Referral
Page updated: 24/05/2023
Ask yourself the below questions to determine whether an employee needs a referral, or whether you as their manager can support them sufficiently.
As the manager have you:
- Undertaken the Individual Stress Assessment and agreed an action plan?
- Implemented all practical solutions to support the employee from a managerial perspective?
- Altered hours (e.g., later starts, earlier finishes) work from home, hybrid working
- Decreased workload
- Childcare support
- Training
- Trialled all/any possible temporary adjustments to support the employee? E.g.,
- Shift pattern change
- Refraining from certain tasks
- Colleague support/or supervision
*Advice on temporary adjustments on the Management of Stress and Mental Health can be found on the following link - Managing Stress & Mental Health in the Workplace (Toolkit for Managers)
- Provided the employee with links to external support agencies and the Help & Support Health & Wellbeing intranet pages
As the employee have you:
- Contacted the GP to discuss your health concerns?
- Contacted the GP to request an onward referral for support?
If following the above you mutually agree an Occupational health referral would still be required, Click the appropriate link below:
A trigger point in sickness policy reached*, concerns for employee’s wellbeing, or employee requesting support.
* Referral is not always necessary. e.g. If 4 minor illnesses occur (ie: cold/cough) a referral would not necessarily be required. Each case should be judged on its own merit.
To ensure you and your employee gain the most out of a referral to Occupational Health, please work through the below prior to referral:
Have you discussed the Occupational Health referral with the employee?
It is imperative that the referral is discussed with the employee prior to submitting. This to ensure they are happy to proceed and also to ensure that you as the manager have discussed the reasons for referral in detail and have all relevant details required.
Do you have all employee details to ensure you are able to complete the form?
Address and Job details will automatically populate.
You will require:
- Employee Number
- Sickness Absence History
- Email address and Contact number (Please ensure that the employee provides you with the most appropriate email address/ number for them)
PLEASE NOTE: If, following triage, information provided is noted to be incorrect, an email will be sent to the referring manager(s) advising that a new referral will need to be submitted.
Is the referral for medical advice relating to an employee’s condition or is it a request for Wellbeing Support Service?
Medical Advice – Where medical advice is required, the referral will be triaged to one of our occupational health clinicians (Occupational Health Advisor/ Physician/ Consultant). They will undertake an assessment with the employee and, following consent, provide a medical report to support the health of the employee and provide you with the valuable information to best support the employee to return to or maintain work.
Wellbeing Support Service – Where support is required, the referral will be triaged to our Wellbeing Support Practitioners who will undertake an initial assessment to deem whether the support is appropriate and if so, provide further sessions of support.
Is the reason Home/ Work or Health related?
It is important to understand the reason for referral and ensure you have all relevant details to complete the referral form. The form will ask for a background and about adjustments. Below are some tips on ensuring you are including all appropriate information:
- Diagnosis
- Symptoms
- Treatment
- Impact of work on health/ health on work
- Has the absence been managed e.g. what stage is the employee on?
- Has the employee previously been to OH?
What assistance/support has been offered or arranged to date? Tell us about any adjustments that have been put in place to date with timescales as well as any that can be accommodated moving forward.
- Phased return
- Light duties
Additional for re-referrals/updates:
- All necessary information regarding the employee since the last appointment.
- Any adjustments that have been put in place, and their timescales and any further adjustments you can/cannot accommodate.
- Information regarding any additional support that has been put in place.
- Ensure that the consultation questions are relevant to the information that you wish to receive from the report and input any additional questions that you wish to have answered
*Occupational Health do not diagnose conditions, medical or neurodiversity. However, we do have links regarding advice on assessments for neurodiverse conditions that could be of assistance.
With regards to reasonable adjustments within the workplace, Occupational Health have guidance that can assist the manager and employee to work together on what is required within the workplace, to aid the employee to manage their neurodiversity condition.
Your manager will complete an E-referral form with you or notify you of the contents and the reason for completing a referral. This is then submitted to our Occupational Health Team.
Occupational Health E-Referral Form (Internal)
Occupational Health E-Referral Form (Chair Of Governors)
Note for managers:
Schools: Access to the Occupational Health form has now changed. You can now use your Hwb log in details via Azure to submit a referral. To register for Azure access please follow the instructions on PORTH
If the reason for referral relates to stress, please first complete an Individual Stress Assessment form (.doc) When all initial actions are mutually agreed between yourself and employee, this information can then be inputted into the ISA section of the referral form.
Please ensure that all information is included within the referral form. No additional documents sent to this inbox will be considered.
The Occupational Health Advisor (OHA) will triage your referral and agree on appropriate action, whether this is to be seen by an Occupational Health Advisor / Occupational Health Physician (OHP) / Wellbeing Support Practitioner.
An appointment will be arranged within 10 working days of receiving the referral from your manager. Both you and your manager will be notified of this appointment.
If a referral to the Wellbeing Support Service (WSS) is appropriate you will be given a PHQ & GAD stress assessment form to complete before your initial appointment.
You will receive appropriate literature relating to your appointment.
During your appointment, your consent is received and a report will be written and emailed back to your line manager within 10 working days. Your manager will discuss the report and any recommendations with you.
If you have attended an initial Wellbeing Support appointment, your manager will be notified that you have been accepted to the service and the date of your next appointment. Following this, you should then keep your manager informed of future appointments. Your manager will receive a discharge report when you have completed your sessions.
Occupational Health
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