Guidance for Managers and Headteachers

Page updated: 24/05/2023

Below is helpful support for managers specifically to ensure you feel able and equipped to support your employees whilst they access the Wellbeing Support Service.

The Individual Stress Assessment is a management tool used to recognise stress triggers and help support employees in the workplace. 

This is a proactive tool that could be used as: 

  • Part of supervision 
  • Part of appraisal sessions 
  • Part of 1-2-1 meetings 

Other times where this can be utilised are: 

  • Where there is cause for concern (e.g. sickness absence, or where there are noticeable signs of stress being displayed) 
  • During return-to-work interview and/or employee support meetings 
  • When there is significant change within the department/area of work/team

The Wellbeing Support Service provides psychological and emotional wellbeing support to employees. The Service consists of an initial assessment and, if required, a further 6 follow up sessions, with one of our qualified Wellbeing Support Practitioners.

In contrast, our Occupational Health Advisors/ Physicians are here to advise on fitness to work and to provide recommendations on adjustments that may support an employee to return to or remain in work. Following a consultation, a full medical report will be compiled after the consent of the employee is provided.

No medical report will be provided. A discharge summary will be provided when the employee has completed their sessions.

An employee can be referred to the service at any time, early intervention particularly in relation to mental health, is key. 

An interim report will have been sent to you from the practitioner for a couple of reasons. It may be a request for extra sessions, to extend the support for the employee, or it could be a request to refer the employee to our Occupational Health Advisor/ Physician for medical input to support them to remain in or return to work.


When an interim report is provided it is imperative that this is acted upon as soon as possible, to avoid any delays in support for the employee. If you do receive an interim report and are unsure of the next steps, please contact the Occupational Health team (01267 246 060) who are there to support you.