Carmarthenshire County Council is committed to developing our people through providing learning opportunities and experiences designed to ensure that we have a skilled workforce that’s equipped for the future.

We are introducing a more informal and flexible way to move around the organisation through our new Short Term Experience (STEP) programme. This will give you access to a range of flexible short-term opportunities designed to give you more insight into the work of other areas of the organisation and to help you build contacts outside your immediate networks.

Opportunities range from one-day shadowing or group visits to the chance to contribute to ongoing projects over a specified period. In this brochure you will find interesting and varied opportunities, each providing you with an insight into the workings of different roles, teams or cross-departmental working groups.

Please take some time to browse the available opportunities and have a chat with your line manager about how a STEP opportunity might support your own development.

To apply, please use the link on each page. 

If there are any additional opportunities that you would like to see included in this programme, or if you think that your team or department can help to offer a similar opportunity to those mentioned, please let the Learning and Development Team know.