Equality & Diversity
Page updated: 30/05/2023
Engaging Diversity
All staff. New staff are automatically enrolled through Learning and Development. A confirmation email will then be sent, with information regarding the username and password and how to access the site. This is an e-learning module.
The Engaging Diversity Project Awareness raising modules have been developed to be delivered through the Internet. The training has been available to the Authority since 2005. However, in response to the Equality Act 2010, a new module has been developed to highlight the Authority’s new responsibilities to promote Equality and Diversity within the organisation and in our communities.
Learning and Development
Learner Celebration Event 2024
STEP Programme
Coaching & Mentoring (1)
Transformation Project
Staff Engagement (Survey) Facilitator
Supporting your digital skills
- Coleg Sir Gar Courses
- Digital Skills for Business qualification with Gower College Swansea
- Digital Courses
- Digital Skills Levelled Framework
Welsh Language
Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence - Learning and Development
Hybrid Working Resources
- Hybrid Working Courses
- Charing a hybrid meeting
- How Do You Participate in a Hybrid Meeting
- Hybrid Meeting - Pros and Cons
Corporate Learning Opportunities
- Coaching & Mentoring
- Effective Communication
- Equality & Diversity
- Finance
- Health, Safety & Wellbeing
- Information, Communication & Technology (ICT)
- Leadership and Management
- Personal Effectiveness
- Policies & Procedures
Social Care Wales Workforce Development Programme [SCWWDP]
- Active Offer
- Assessment & Care Planning
- Community Induction Program
- Core Training
- Dementia
- Individuals Who Use Services and Carers
- Leadership and Management
- Mental Health
- Social Work Best Practice
- Qualifications
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