Premature Birth/Hospitalised Baby Leave and Pay
Page updated: 16/07/2024
We are delighted to offer workplace support for parents with premature or sick babies. When a baby is born prematurely, or admitted to hospital immediately after birth, it can be a difficult time for parents. In order to support you, we may be able to offer additional paid leave after the birth of a child who requires an extended stay in hospital.
This scheme applies to all our employees with the exception of staff on the complement of locally managed schools, for whom the policy adopted by their respective schools will apply.
No minimum service is required for eligibility.
In order to apply for Premature and Hospitalised Baby Leave with Pay, the employee must have responsibility for a child. i.e. be one of the following:
- The expectant birth parent of the child
- Adoptive or surrogate parent of the child
- Civil partner of expectant employee of the child
- Nominated Carer of the child (employees who have been elected by the expectant parent/primary adopter as the nominated carer)
In addition, to support an application the following documentation is required:
- Application Form (this can be completed and submitted via e-mail)
- MAT B1 certificate
- Copy of birth certificate
Employees of babies born before 37 weeks can apply for a week’s Premature Baby Leave with pay for every week the premature baby spends in hospital before their due date.
Premature Baby Leave - This period of leave will start at the end of the employee’s entitlement to maternity, adoption, shared parental, maternity support or paternity leave period.
Premature Baby Pay - You can choose to receive premature baby pay as follows:
- During the period of Premature Baby Leave; or
- As a lump sum payment at the beginning of the leave of absence through the next available payroll (following notification to the Attendance Team) in addition to your Maternity, Adoption, Shared Parental, Maternity Support and Paternity Leave and Pay. The employee’s normal entitlement to maternity, adoption, shared parental, maternity support, or paternity leave and pay will continue to apply and will not be affected by this scheme (Subject to income tax, national insurance and pension deductions, as appropriate to earnings). (Please note that where an employee has opted for Lump sum payment of premature baby pay this additional period of premature baby leave will be unpaid).
The Premature Baby Pay will be paid during the period of Premature Baby Leave once an employee’s maternity, adoption, shared parental, maternity support or paternity period has been exhausted unless the employee has opted for Lump sum payment.
If an employee opts to receive a lump sum payment for a period of premature baby leave and choses to return to work before the end of their period of premature baby leave, any remaining weeks will need to be repaid. Normal salary will resume from the date of return to work.
Parents of babies who are hospitalised immediately following full term birth (after 37 weeks) due to illness can apply for full term Hospitalised Baby Leave with pay for a period of up to four weeks. This period of hospitalised baby leave will start at the end of an employee’s entitlement to maternity, adoption, shared parental, maternity support or paternity leave period.
Hospitalised Baby Leave – This period of leave will start at the end of the employee’s entitlement to maternity, adoption, shared parental, maternity support, or paternity leave period.
Hospitalised Baby Pay – You can choose to receive hospitalised baby pay as follows:
- During the period of Hospitalised Baby Leave; or
- As a lump sum payment at the beginning of your leave of absence through the next available payroll (following notification to the Attendance Team) in addition to your Maternity, Adoption, Shared Parental, Maternity Support and Paternity Leave and Pay. The employee’s normal entitlement to maternity, adoption, shared parental, maternity support or paternity leave pay will continue to apply and will not be affected by this scheme (Subject to income tax, national insurance and pension deductions, as appropriate to earnings). (Please note that where a parent has opted for a Lump sum payment this additional period of leave will be unpaid).
If an employee opts to receive a lump payment for the period of hospitalised baby leave and choses to return to work before the end of their hospitalised baby leave, any remaining weeks will need to be repaid. Normal salary will resume from the date of return to work.
The link attached will take you to the application form
To support an application the following documentation is required:
- Application form emailed or sent in to the Attendance Team
- Copy of MAT B1 certificate
- Copy of birth certificate
Application form should be emailed along with copies of the required supporting evidence to the Attendance Team.
Your application is processed by the Attendance Team and a covering email will be sent confirming your requested dates for payment and leave.
We kindly request that we are notified as soon as possible regarding discharge dates or any changes that could affect the leave and pay being received.
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- Premature Birth/Hospitalised Baby Leave and Pay
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