Workforce and Succession Planning

Page updated: 18/06/2024

This page highlights tools to assist with the distinct stages of workforce and succession planning. It has been developed for Heads of Service and their management teams to help identify priorities and key actions for their service to respond to future workforce risks.

We talk about workforce planning and strategic workforce planning interchangeably. The difference between workforce planning and strategic workforce planning is that they are conducted over different periods of time.

  • Workforce planning focuses on your current people resource and operational plans for the budget year ahead.
  • Strategic workforce planning looks towards a three- to five-year time horizon.

Always consider which period is most relevant for you as it will allow for better application of the tools on this page.

Workforce planning is a continual process led by each Head of Service, owned by the whole organisation, and enabled by People Management. By analysing your current workforce and determining your future workforce needs, you are identifying the gap between the workforce you have now and your future needs. Then you can implement the right solutions so your division and department can achieve its strategic plans.