Employee Support
Page updated: 07/06/2024
Our workforce will go through a range of different experiences at various times during their career with Carmarthenshire. This could be in relation to changes in the workplace, or personal circumstances, which have an impact on working life.
If at any time a manager is concerned for the health and well-being of an employee, it's important that they talk to the employee. Create the right environment, offering every opportunity for the employee to share their concerns, or any difficulties they are experiencing at work, at home, or with their health and wellbeing, which is having the impact.
The following are a range of tools and tips for employees and managers in such circumstances, however, if you are unsure how to take the issue forward, it may be appropriate to seek advice from the HR Team, or Occupational Health.
Health Support and Wellbeing
In order to provide support for the challenges ahead, useful information can be found on the Guidance for Managers section of the Health & Wellbeing pages.
Your Occupational Health Centre can give medical advice as required from Doctors, Nurses, and there is also a Wellbeing Support Service which has registered practitioners that can provide 1:1 and group psychological support for all CCC staff.
- Stress, Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing
- Making a referral to Occupational Health
- Menopause Guidance for Employees.(PDF) These documents are stand alone, we have other information around the menopause on our pages which links back to your document Managing Menopause if you want to link here
- Menopause Guidance for Managers.(PDF)
Learning and Development
Corporate learning and development run pre-retirement courses for employees thinking of preparing for retirement or considering applying for early severance under the severance scheme.
Job opportunities & Benefit advice
- Careers Wales is an all-Wales service that gives people of all ages free careers information, advice and guidance.
- Redundancy information for employees.
- Jobcentre Plus is a government agency supporting people of working age from welfare into work, and helping employers to fill their vacancies.
- One Carmarthenshire has been set up by a partnership of agencies within the county to improve the accessibility of the pathway back to work and training opportunities that are available to all ages, all levels of abilities, skills and interests. The key partners are Job Centre Plus, Careers Wales, Coleg Sir Gâr, Regional Learning Partnership and Carmarthenshire County Council who all have a wealth of experience and contacts with employers throughout the county. For more information visit www.onecarmarthenshire.co.uk or freephone 0800 9173 408.
Interview skills and CV’s
You may not have attended a job interview for some time. The Careers Wales website has information on:
Latest vacancies in the Council
Visit the jobs and careers section of our website for the most up to date vacancies and redeployment opportunities in the Council.
If you are facing redundancy, ensure that you are familiar with the redeployment policy and the steps that you need to take to maximise your chances of finding suitable alternative employment.
Financial Advice
The Money Advice Service is an independent service set up by government to help people make the most of their money. They give free, unbiased money advice online, on webchat, over the phone, in printed guides and face to face.
For more information visit the Money Advice Service website or e-mail: moneyadviser@citizensadvice.org.uk or call 0300 500 5000.
For free and impartial advice for employees who wish to seek advice in relation to debt management, contact Payplan debt advice and guidance. Supported by organisations such as the citizens advice bureau, national debt line and institute of money advisors. Payplan can be contacted by tel: 0800 280 2816 Mon-Fri 8am-9pm and Sat 9-3.
Shelter Cymru - 'Work it out'
Housing and money worries can affect anyone, no matter what the circumstances. If you are having problems or want to find out more about the options available to you, shelter cymru can help. Work it Out is Shelter Cymru's advice service targeted to people in work. Advice is free, independant and completely confidential. Please visit the Shelter Cymru website for further information.
Pension Information
For further information relating to your local government pension please vist the Dyfed pension fund website.
If you are worried or have questions about saving for your retirement you can contact the pensions advisory service. It is an independant not for profit organisation that provides free information and guidance. This service can also help if you have a problem with your occupational or private pension provider. Visit the Pensions Advisory Service website for further information.
Start up Business Support
If you are facing redundancy and are thinking of starting your own business there are a number of websites that can offer you advice and support.
Behaviour and Standards
Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence
- Supporting Victims or Survivors
- Guidance for Managers
- Guidance for Colleagues
- Asking Difficult Questions
- Perpetrator
- Help and Support
Employee relations
- Capability
- Disciplinary
- Grievance
- Investigations
- Collective disputes
- Suspension
- Disciplinary Policy and Procedure Guidance Chief Officer
- Disciplinary Policy & Procedure - February 2021
Employee Support
Equality & Diversity
Flexible Working and Job Share
- FAQ's for employees
- Flexible Working FAQ's for managers
- Flexible Working Policy
- Job Sharing Policy and Procedure - September 2020
Jobs & Careers
Leave and absence
- Adoption & Surrogacy Leave
- Annual Leave
- Career Break
- Compassionate Leave
- Disruptions to working arrangements
- Flexi-time
- Maternity Leave
- Parental Leave
- Paternity Leave
- Purchase of Additional Annual Leave
- Premature Birth/Hospitalised Baby Leave and Pay
- Shared Parental Leave
- Time off for dependants
- Unpaid leave
Leaving the council
Meet the Team
Sickness Absence
- Recording Absence
- Return to Work Interviews
- Phased Return to Work
- Attendance Management Meetings
- The Stages of Sickness Absence
- Occupational Health
- Occupational Health Referrals
- Occupational Sick Pay
- Case Conferences
- Reasonable Adjustments (Disability)
- Ill Health Retirement
- Ill Health Retirement - Non Teachers
- Ill Health Retirement - Teachers
- Related Absence
- Sickness & annual leave
- Managing respiratory tract infections including Covid
- FAQ's for employees
Workforce and succession planning
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