CCC Mobile Phones and SIMs

Page updated: 04/02/2025

Mobile Phone Reps


Mobile Phone Rep

Chief Execs

Ruth Morgan & Nia Hughes

Corporate Services

Tracey Thomas, Hayley John & Lauren James

Education and Children’s Services

Nicola Hoare (Ed.), Caroline M Jones (Ed.) & Julie Hall (CS) Melanie Janes (CS)


Kerry Halpin, Janet Jones, Amanda K Field, Allison James, Barbara K James (Leisure only), Caryl Thomas, Rosie Davies & Lowri Harries. Housing & Public Protection: Andrea Thomas (Communities), Jonathan May and Nicola Samuel.

Place, Infrastructure & Economic Development

Place & Sustainability: Kerry Latham. Environmental Infrastructure: Zoe Hughes. Economic Development & Property: Kerry Latham. Service Improvement and Transformation: Philip J Bowen.

Please contact your Departmental Mobile Phone Rep to:

  • Order new mobile phones and SIMs.
  • Upgrade phone contracts.
  • Update phone user details.
  • Cease unused numbers/contracts (only if the number is out of contract).
  • Produce usage reports.
  • Report lost phones.

Important: The reallocation of a mobile phone should be coordinated and agreed with the Departmental Mobile Phone Rep, the Mobile Phone Rep will then update the details for the phone.  To wipe the handset and to add the new user into the mobile group please log a call with the IT Helpdesk.

Important: All Corporate Mobile users are now enrolled with an additional security feature called Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). This means that we add an extra verification step to make sure that you are who you say you are! We have created a step-by-step guide to help you through this process

Please note: For technical issues please log a call with the IT Helpdesk.


Mobile Device Costs

Smart Phones

Samsung Galaxy (Android) 

iPhone (iOS)

Voice and Text Only


Please note: Phone models and costs could change due to availability and models going end of life.


Mobile Phone Contract Costs

Voice Only (Unlimited voice calls and texts, no data): £1.25

Voice and Data

Unlimited voice calls and text with 2GB data: £6.25

Unlimited voice calls and text with 4GB data: £9.25

Unlimited voice calls and text with 8GB data:£13.25

Unlimited voice calls and text with 16GB data: £19.25

Out of bundle data costs: 5p per MB


License Costs for Smartphones

All smartphones require a Microsoft licence (standard voice and text phones do not require this license), in order for us to securely manage the device and install the Microsoft applications (Outlook, Teams, OneDrive etc). Please see below for annual license costs:

Corporate Smartphone Requests

  • User needs a Corporate Smartphone + already has a CCC email address: £0.

From May 2021 there is no additional license cost to a user needing a Corporate Smartphone, as long as they already have a CCC email account.

  • User needs a Corporate Smartphone + Doesn’t currently have a CCC email address: £69.60.

The user will be issued with a Microsoft F3 license, this license does not allow them to use Microsoft applications (including email) on a PC or laptop.

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Requests

BYOD allows CCC staff access to CCC applications, emails and data on their personal mobile phone.

  • User needs BYOD on their personal device + already has a CCC email address: £0
  • User needs BYOD on their personal device + Doesn’t currently have a CCC email address: £69.60.

The user will be issued with a Microsoft F3 license, this license does not allow them to use Microsoft applications (including email) on a PC or laptop.