Social Work Best Practice
Page updated: 13/02/2024
This section provides a range of training for qualified social workers. Only people with a social work professional qualification can practise in Wales and throughout the UK.
Social workers promote wellbeing and improve outcomes for people, focusing on what matters to people who need care and support. Post-qualifying training courses are also available for qualified social workers under the Qualifications section on this website.
Please be aware of your responsibility to undertake CPD as part of maintaining your Social Care Wales registration (90 hours over 3 years).
Advocacy Awareness Training
If you are supporting people who face barriers to speaking up for themselves and who are going through social care and support assessment, planning, review, safeguarding processes (as adults or parents) or recent complaint about any of these, you need to have an understanding of the 3 County Independent Professional Advocacy Service.
Analysis into Assessment
Social work staff based in the CRT Team will be given priority. Spare places will be offered to social workers based in other teams offering a service to adults.
Applying Analysis in Assessment to Inform Intervention (First Year in Practice Developmental Workshop)
This training course is a one day event and is one of the mandatory training sessions for Newly Qualified Social Workers in their First Year of Practice. It is also an important part of preparatory arrangements for social workers who will complete the Consolidation Programme during their second year of practice.
Best Practice in Life Journey Work
This workshop is for all those involved in and responsible for Life Journey Work with children looked after and especially those with a plan for adoption e.g.
- Social workers from Children’s Services
- Anybody else working with Looked After Children who is interested or involved in this area of work.
Carer Assessments Under SSWBA
Social work staff based in teams offering services to adults.
Carmarthenshire Evidence Based Practice Group
All Social Workers and Team Managers with an interest in evidence enriched practice.
Collaborative Working - First Year in Practice
This training course is a one day event and is one of the mandatory training sessions for Newly Qualified Social Workers in their First Year of Practice. It is also an important part of preparatory arrangements for social workers who will complete the Consolidation Programme during their second year of practice.
Conflict Management and Personal Safety
This training course is a one day event and is one of the mandatory training sessions for Newly Qualified Social Workers in their First Year of Practice.
Court of Protection
Social work staff based in CMHTs and Substance Misuse Team, applications will also be accepted from social workers based in other teams offering services to adults and kept on a reserve list until after the closing date.
Court Skills for Adult Social Care
Social work staff based in CTLDs and CRTs will be given priority, applications will be accepted from social workers based in other teams and kept on a reserve list until after the closing date.
Court Skills / Best Evidence / PLO Process
Qualified Social Workers in Children Services.
Critical Reflection in Practice
This is the First in a Series of Three Developmental Workshops for Newly Qualified Social Workers in their First Year of Practice. It is important to note that these workshops also prepare newly qualified social workers for work to be completed in the Consolidation Programme for second year of practice.
Emotional Resilience and Professional Resilience
Social Workers in Children Services
Introduction to Autism and Pathological Demand Avoidance
Social work staff based in CMHTs, spare places will be offered to staff in CTLDs, 0-25 Disability Team and Substance Misuse Team.
Introduction to the Mental Capacity Act (including DoLS)
Team Managers, Social Workers and Social Work Assistants. Registered Care Home Managers and Deputies from both the local authority and the independent sector. Priority will be given to members of staff who have not previously attended this training.
Introduction to Systemic Practice in Adult and Integrated Services (Managers and Assistant Team Managers)
Social work managers and assistant team managers in adult an integrated services
Learning from Child Practice Reviews
Adoption, Fostering, SGO Social Workers and Child Care Social Workers
Mentoring Social Workers in their First Year in Practice
Qualified Social Workers with a minimum of 3 years post qualifying experience, Senior Social Work Practitioners, Professional Leads and Team Managers (Social Work Qualified) who wish to become Mentors for newly qualified social workers during their first year in practice.
Outcome Focused Practice
Mandatory Training for social work staff based in the (0-25) Disability Team
Preventing Online Child Sexual Abuse
All qualified Social Workers in Children's Services.
Professional Curiosity in Adult and Integrated Services
Social Workers in Adults Integrated Services
Transgender and Non- Binary Awareness Training
Social work staff based in CTLDs and 0-25 Disability Team. Applications will also be accepted from social work staff based in other teams offering services to adults, and places offered ,if available, once the closing date is reached.
Trauma Informed Systemic Approaches for Care Experienced Teenagers
Social Workers in Children's Services
Learning and Development
Learner Celebration Event 2024
STEP Programme
Coaching & Mentoring (1)
Transformation Project
Staff Engagement (Survey) Facilitator
Supporting your digital skills
- Coleg Sir Gar Courses
- Digital Skills for Business qualification with Gower College Swansea
- Digital Courses
- Digital Skills Levelled Framework
Welsh Language
Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence - Learning and Development
Hybrid Working Resources
- Hybrid Working Courses
- Charing a hybrid meeting
- How Do You Participate in a Hybrid Meeting
- Hybrid Meeting - Pros and Cons
Corporate Learning Opportunities
- Coaching & Mentoring
- Effective Communication
- Equality & Diversity
- Finance
- Health, Safety & Wellbeing
- Information, Communication & Technology (ICT)
- Leadership and Management
- Personal Effectiveness
- Policies & Procedures
Social Care Wales Workforce Development Programme [SCWWDP]
- Active Offer
- Assessment & Care Planning
- Community Induction Program
- Core Training
- Dementia
- Individuals Who Use Services and Carers
- Leadership and Management
- Mental Health
- Social Work Best Practice
- Qualifications
More from Learning and Development