Page updated: 20/11/2024
Your pay will be paid directly into your bank account on a monthly or 4 weekly basis – please check your employment contract for further information. It is important that you supply your bank details and P45 as soon as you start work to ensure that payment is made on time and is taxed correctly.
A payslip will be issued to you which will set out your gross pay and deductions such as income tax, national insurance and pension contributions.
You will be paid according to current nationally negotiated pay rates, which are reviewed in April of each year. Your pay rate and any incremental pay increases to which you are entitled will be detailed in your contract of employment.
To change your bank details please update your account information via the web based self-service system ‘My View 2’. To ensure your pay is sent to the correct bank account the amendment must be made by the 7th of the month.
Your pay frequency and pay group are specified in form Terms of Employment (ToE1) and should be read in conjunction with the appropriate paragraphs below.
Four weekly paid employees (Pay Groups 9 – all front line staff)
Your pay will be paid four weekly in arrears by bank credit to a bank account of your choice. The four weekly period for this group ends on a Friday and is paid the following Friday. If a Friday is a Bank Holiday you will be paid on the Thursday preceding.
Four weekly paid employees (Pay Groups 16 – all social care staff)
Your pay will be paid four weekly in arrears by bank credit to a bank account of your choice. The four weekly periods for this group ends on a Tuesday and is paid the following week on a Thursday.
Monthly paid employees (Pay Group 11 including Delta staff)
Your salary will be paid in arrears on the 27th of each month for January to November inclusive (or the nearest working day if 27th falls on a weekend or bank holiday) for the month of December the pay date is the 24th or the last banking day prior to 25th December. Payment is by bank credit to a bank account of your choice
Monthly paid employees (Pay Group 15)
Your salary will be paid in arrears on the last working day of each month. However, if the last working day falls on a Monday or Tuesday, you will be paid on the previous Friday. Payment is by bank credit to a bank account of your choice.
Acting up and honoraria payment should be made to you if you temporarily undertake additional duties and responsibilities. The opportunity to do this can provide you with a valuable opportunity to develop your skills and gain experience, in preparation for possible future promotion.
For this reason the selection process for acting up needs to be transparent, fair and in keeping particularly with our Equality and Diversity Policy, Recruitment and Selection Policy and Secondment Policy. You are entitled to be fairly rewarded, when you are asked to undertake additional responsibilities which are above and beyond the scope of the grade of your post.
When acting up you will be paid the lowest scale point of the acting up grade. However where the scale point for the substantive post and acting up post overlap then an additional scale point increment may be applied. Please refer to the Acting Up and Honoraria Policy for further information.
We recognise eight bank holidays a year, the dates of which vary from year to year:
- New Year’s Day
- Good Friday
- Easter Monday
- Early May Bank Holiday
- Spring Bank Holiday
- August Bank Holiday
- Christmas Day
- Boxing Day
If you are required to work on a bank holiday will be paid at double time i.e you receive your normal pay for the day plus an additional single time payment for the hours you work.
Bank holiday enhancement will only be made if you actually work the hours. If you are scheduled to work on a bank holiday but do not attend due to sickness or any other reason, you will not be eligible for enhanced payments.
Bank holiday rates are to be paid from 00.00am until 23.59pm on the day of the bank holiday.
If Christmas or New Year Bank Holidays fall on a Saturday or Sunday then special arrangements will apply. In the absence of any local agreement NJC guidance will be followed.
If you are required to work overtime on a designated Bank Holiday then the Bank Holidays rates of pay apply for actual hours worked.
If you work weekends or on a term time basis you will receive an 8% or 4% supplement on all hours worked respectively. These Supplements will be included when calculating overtime or bank/public holiday payments.
The bank holiday enhanced rate compensates you for working a bank holiday by paying double time. There is no right to TOIL. If, at the end of the year/calculation period, you have not received all your bank holiday entitlement or been paid double time for working on a bank holiday, you will be entitled to a paid day off at normal hourly rates. If your working pattern incorporates more bank holiday working than your entitlement then you will receive double time for all of the bank holidays worked.
Casual workers are not entitled to enhanced bank holiday rates.
- Employee A works 18.5 hours per week so is entitled to 4 public holidays. During the year, s/he is rota'd to work 5 public holidays. She receives double time for all 5 days worked so therefore has no bank holidays owing or time off in lieu.
- Employee B works 18.5 hours per week so is entitled to 4 public holidays. During the year s/he is rota'd to work 2 public holidays. S/he receives double time for the 2 days and at the end of the year/accounting period is entitled to 2 days off at single time.
- Employee C works 37 hours per week and works every Saturday or Sunday as part of the normal working week and 3 bank holidays per year. The employee would be paid 8% as an allowance for weekend working and 3 bank holidays@ double time calculated on basic hourly rate plus 8%
- Employee C works part time Monday to Friday and is requested to work a bank holiday. This will be paid at double time but without the 8% enhancement as s/he does not work a regular weekend pattern.
We do not operate a Long Service Award Scheme. However, there are historic Long Service Award Schemes still in place for eligible former employees of Carmarthen District Council, Llanelli Borough Council and Dinefwr Borough Council.
As these Schemes are not available to all employees, it has been agreed that service accrual in these schemes will be frozen as at 31st March 2013.
This section applies if you are required to work at night (i.e. not sleeping in) as part of the normal working week.
If you are required to work at night as part of the normal working week you are entitled to an enhanced payment of time and a third.
‘Night Working’ is defined by the Working Time Regulations as working at least three hours between the times of 11pm and 6am. Therefore if you work at least three hours during this period you can expect to receive an enhancement of a time and a third for those hours.
To qualify for night time enhancement of time and a third, the three working hours during one shift do not have to be consecutive hours.
If you work less than three hours during a night then they will be paid at plain time or overtime, whichever rate applies.
If you work nights and weekends as part of a regular working pattern then you will be entitled to the 8% enhancement in addition to the enhanced payment of time and a third.
If you work a 10 hour “night” shift on an overtime basis (over 37 hours per week) the rate of pay for these hours will be time and a half. In addition, if more than three of the 10 hours worked are between 11pm and 6am an additional third will be paid i.e. a total of 1.83.
‘Normal pay’ for the calculation of pay during periods of annual leave and sickness absence
‘Normal pay’ includes all earnings that would be paid during a period of normal contractual working, i.e. normal 37 hour working week (pro rata part time). This will therefore include the 8% Allowance for regular weekend working; the 4% Allowance for term time restricted working; Bank Holiday/Night Working enhanced rates where it is a requirement to work as part of a regular rota; Sleeping In allowance and non guaranteed overtime worked as a result of call out during contractual standby. It does not include pay elements for work outside a period of normal contractual working, e.g., voluntary overtime or any travelling subsistence or other allowances paid in respect of expenses.
Where you are authorised by your manager to work additional hours beyond the 37 hour working week or beyond the contracted working pattern that averages a 37 hour working week (e.g. rota/annualised hours) you will be entitled to an overtime rate at time and a half on their basic pay/hourly rate, i.e. 50% enhancement on all overtime hours worked or Time Off in Lieu at single time if preferred and agreed by your manager.
Where you are contracted to a working pattern that averages a 37 hour week, e.g. a fortnightly rota or annualised hours, overtime rates are only payable for hours worked over the average of 37 hours in the contracted period.
- A full time employee is contracted to work a two week rolling rota, working 40 hours in Week 1 and 34 hours in Week 2. These hours are all paid at the basic hourly rate as the average weekly hours over the two week rota period is 37. If however the employee works an additional 5 hours in the 2 week period these will be paid at overtime rate of basic pay plus 50% enhancement
- A full time employee is contracted to work annualised hours (37 hours x 52.14 weeks per annum = 1929 hours per annum). S/he may work over 37 hours per week during certain weeks of the year and less than 37 hours per week in others but will be paid an average of 37 hours per week at basic rates throughout the year. Overtime rates will not apply unless the employee works hours above the agreed annualised hour’s pattern and at the end of the period.
If you are part time you will be required to work 37 hours in a week before these enhancements apply and in the same circumstances that a full time employee would qualify.
In addition, the previous bar on overtime rates for staff on the spinal column point 29 and above has been removed for authorised overtime.
Overtime payments are only to be made if you actually work. If you are scheduled to work but do not attend due to sickness or any other reason, you will not be eligible for any payments.
There will be no regular or contractual overtime. You are required to explore all other avenues before granting overtime and only subject to agreed approval processes. Should you request TOIL, then your Manager may agree this, based on the actual hours worked – TOIL on time worked.
For example if an employee works an additional 8 hours overtime then TOIL will be granted at this rate (i.e. 50% will not be added onto the total of hours)
It has been agreed that for administrative purposes if you work weekends or work on a term time basis for which you qualify to receive an 8% and 4% supplement on all hours worked respectively, you will have these supplements included for the purposes of calculating overtime or bank holiday rates.
- A part-time employee working 34 hours per week is requested to work 5 additional hours: 3 hours would be paid @ standard hourly rate; 2 hours would be paid @ time and half.
- A full time employee (37 hours pw) is required to work 5 additional hours. Employee is paid 5 hours at time and half.
- A full time employee (37 hours pw) is required to work overtime. This employee also regularly works weekends. For any overtime hours, this employee would receive 50% enhancement in addition to the 8% i.e. 1.58 per hour.
- A full time employee (37 hours pw) is office based and eligible to access the flexi scheme is on standby on a bank holiday. They are called out at 6pm for 2 hours. As this 2 hours is over and above the contracted hours they will be paid at double time.
- A part time employee (32 hours per week) regularly works weekends and is therefore entitled to the 8% allowance. Works an additional 7 hours, these will be paid at plain time plus 8% for 5 hours (1.08 per hour) and overtime rate plus 8% for 2 hours i.e. 1.58 per hour.
- School Site Manager (37 hours per week, Monday to Friday, 52 weeks per year) is requested to work an additional 2 hours on a Saturday. S/he will be paid at the overtime rate for these hours, i.e. Time plus 50% enhancement. There is no entitlement to the additional 8% enhancement as Saturday working is not a regular feature of the job.
We operate an Occupational Sick Pay Scheme which maintains your normal pay during periods of sickness absence, dependent upon the duration of absence and your length of service.
During the first year of service this is:
- 1 months full pay (after completing 4 months service)
- 2 months half pay.
If you are unable to attend work due to sickness you must contact your manager as early as possible on the first day of absence. A self-certification form is acceptable for absences of up to and including 7 days, with a medical certificate from your doctor or hospital required for absences exceeding this.
Where you are required to ‘sleep in’ on your normal work premises, as part of your regular working pattern, you are entitled to the allowance as set out in the National Joint Council Circular on Allowances currently set at £34 per session (01/01/2015). You would need to be specifically employed in a role requiring regular ‘sleep in’ to be entitled to the allowance. Occasional sleeping in, for example on a school trip, where this is not normally part of the working pattern will not attract this payment.
Sleeping in allowance covers the requirement to sleep in and up to 30 minutes call out per night.
If you are required to work in excess of 30 minutes you will be paid at your normal rate of pay (overtime if applicable) including any night time enhancement (if applicable).
To qualify for the night time enhancement of time and a third, the three working hours worked during one shift must be worked between the hours of 1ppm and 6am but do not have to be consecutive hours.
- Employee working in a residential establishment. Sleeping in duty allowance is paid at £34 per session. The employee is required to work for a total of 4 hours during the hours of 11pm and 6am therefore they will be paid at their basic hourly rate or the overtime rate as defined above if this takes their hours above 37 per week plus a third to reflect night time working.
Standby is payable where you are expressly responsible for providing advice and/or full service during non working hours and is required to remain available for call out and contact for the duration of the standby period.
This would not apply to a situation where a department operates an emergency contact list where one or more of a group of employees could be called to an emergency on an ad hoc basis as part of the job. The scenario here would be that whoever was available would be called out and receive the appropriate payment for the time spent dealing with the emergency.
Contractual v non contractual standby – Certain posts within the Authority are required to participate on a standby rota where the nature of the work requires additional duties outside normal working hours. In such circumstances standby will be a contractual requirement of the post and confirmed within the statement of main terms and conditions.
There will be other posts within the Authority where participation on a standby rota will be voluntary and on an ad hoc basis subject to the needs of the service. In such circumstances standby will be non contractual.
Standby payments will only be made if you actually work the hours. If you are scheduled to work a standby session but do not attend due to sickness or any other reason, you will not be eligible to the payment.
You are considered to have been ‘called out’ if you are called upon to undertake any work during the period of standby and expected to undertake the “normal” range of duties during this time. Where you are ‘called out’ you will be paid at your normal contractual rate of pay including any night working enhancement (if applicable) from the time of the call to the end of the call out duties. This will include taking phone calls from home.
Should you be called out and the hours worked would take you 37 hours per week then the overtime rate of pay would apply.
The sessional payment for undertaking standby duty is £40. The sessional payment of £40 will include the first 30 minutes of time spent by any employee dealing with emails/telephone calls at home. Therefore the first 30 minutes of time spent dealing with emails/telephone calls at home must be deducted from any overtime claims.
The part sessional payment (for a session up to or from midnight) for undertaking standby duty is £25 . The part sessional payment of £25 will include the first 20 minutes of time spent by any employee dealing with emails/telephone calls at home. Therefore the first 20 minutes of time spent dealing with emails/telephone calls at home must be deducted from any overtime claims
Any current arrangements for additional hours (for example being paid a minimum for 2 hours for a call out) will cease to exist.
There are nine standby sessions per week; the times are defined as follows:
- Monday 5pm - Tuesday 9am
- Tuesday 5pm - Wednesday 9am
- Wednesday 5pm - Thursday 9am
- Thursday 5pm - Friday 9am
- Friday 5pm - Saturday 9am
- Saturday 9am - Saturday 9pm
- Saturday 9pm - Sunday 9am
- Sunday 9am - Sunday 9pm
- Sunday 9pm - Monday 9am
- A full time employee regularly working weekends undertaking standby on a Sunday night from 9pm through to 9am Monday morning– the Monday is a Bank Holiday. The employee will be paid £40 for being on standby. S/he is called out and works four hours from 2am until 6am and will be paid double time as it is a Bank Holiday and 8% for weekend working i.e. 2.08x per hour.
- A full time employee is on Standby on Monday, Tuesday and Friday nights. Is therefore paid 3 sessions @£40 per session – a total of £120. Called out on Monday night from 8pm until 10pm – are paid 2 hours@ time and half. On Friday night the employee is called out from 1am until 4am – are paid 3 hours@ time and a half.
- A full time employee regularly working weekends undertaking standby on a Sunday night from 9pm through to 9am Monday morning – the Monday is a Bank Holiday. The employee will be paid £40 for being on standby. S/he is called out and works four hours from 10pm to 2am and will be paid at time and a half for the two hours between 10pm and midnight (overtime) and at double time for the two hours between midnight and 2am as it is a Bank Holiday plus 8% for weekend working i.e. 1.58x for the hours between 10pm and midnight and 2.08x for the hours between midnight and 2am.
A single formula is in place which applies if you are working term time only to ensure that pay calculation and annual leave entitlement is applied consistently which is based on the actual hours and number of weeks worked.
In addition, a 4% allowance on basic pay is paid to recognise the term time nature of work and the contractual obligation to retain your employment with the authority during the school holiday periods. This allowance is only payable if you work term time in schools or where the nature of the work is restricted to term time only.
This allowance will not be paid if you are working term time following a flexible working request.
If you are working some additional weeks at the request of the school you will remain eligible for the 4% allowance. For example if a School Administrative Officer works for 42 weeks per year due to the needs of the school, they will be continue to receive the 4% allowance.
No retainers will be paid for any category of staff.
Annual leave and bank holidays entitlement has been built into the term time formula utilised for calculating pay. This formula will be amended when annual leave accrual increases due to length of service.
If you are a Casual worker in a school you will not be eligible to the 4% allowance.
Summary of Term Time Working
- Employees are paid term time – i.e. based on the number of hours and number of weeks per year that they work.
- A typical term time employee works 39 weeks per year* (38 weeks term time and 1 week inset days)
- A calculation is undertaken to average the weekly contracted hours to take into account the 13 weeks per year when the employee is not working.
- Annual Leave and Bank Holiday entitlement are included in the calculation.
- Salary is then annualised to allow 12 monthly equal payments per year.
- If the salary was not annualised then there would be some months of the year when an employee would receive part payment/ no payment of salary, e.g. August / December.
- This does not affect the number of hours physically worked by the employee.
- A 4% allowance on basic pay is paid to recognise the term time nature of work and the contractual obligation by employees to retain their employment with the authority during the school holiday periods. This allowance is only payable to staff who work term time in schools or where the nature of the work is restricted to term time only.
*Some employees may work a slightly higher number of weeks and the formula is adjusted accordingly
- Employee works 30 hours per week, 39 weeks per year with an annual leave entitlement of 34 days plus 8 bank holidays pro rata. Utilising the term time formula, calculation is made that ensures that the employee is paid for 26.75 hours per week, all year round. (Paid for 46.49 weeks per year)
In recognition of weekend working, an 8% enhancement to basic pay for all hours worked is paid for posts required to work a minimum of two weekend days in every four weeks(or equivalent within a specified rota period) as part of their normal working pattern (on a regular basis). The 8% will be included in “normal” pay for the purposes of sickness and annual leave.
A regular [normal] pattern of work must be demonstrated in order for the employee to be eligible for the 8% enhancement.
In addition, only those contractually bound to work weekends will be eligible for the 8% enhancement i.e. If Saturday or Sunday [or both] are part of the “normal” working week.
Casual workers will not be eligible for this allowance. Temporary employees will be eligible for this enhancement if the rota/shift pattern they work includes regular weekend working.
Any hours worked from 00.00am on Saturday morning until 23.59pm on Sunday evening are considered to be weekend working.
The 8% allowance will be paid on all hours worked.
Should you work weekends for a specific amount of time (for example weekends during the summer months due to the needs of the service) then your contract will reflect this and the 8% enhancement paid accordingly.
This element of pay is pensionable.
- An employee works every Saturday and Sunday in a Leisure Centre. They work 12 hours therefore would be paid 12 hours @ basic hourly rate plus 8%. (i.e. all hours will be paid at basic plus 8%)
- A full time employee is asked to work on a Saturday to assist with a project – they would not be eligible for the 8% enhancement to basic pay as it is not a regular contractual requirement but would be paid at the overtime rate which would be time and a half for hours worked.
- A part time employee is contracted to work 32 hours per week and works on a rolling rota including 2 weekend days in a four week period. This employee is already entitlement to receive 8% enhancement to their pay for weekend working. If they opt to work an additional shift of 7 hours one week they will receive 5 hours at the basic hourly rate plus 8% enhancement and 2 hours at the basic hourly rate plus overtime enhancement of 50%, i.e. time and a half, plus 8%.
Related links: National Joint Council (NJC) terms and conditions (greenbook)
Behaviour and Standards
Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence
- Supporting Victims or Survivors
- Guidance for Managers
- Guidance for Colleagues
- Asking Difficult Questions
- Perpetrator
- Help and Support
Employee relations
- Capability
- Disciplinary
- Grievance
- Investigations
- Collective disputes
- Suspension
- Disciplinary Policy and Procedure Guidance Chief Officer
- Disciplinary Policy & Procedure - February 2021
Employee Support
Equality & Diversity
Flexible Working and Job Share
- FAQ's for employees
- Flexible Working FAQ's for managers
- Flexible Working Policy
- Job Sharing Policy and Procedure - September 2020
Jobs & Careers
Leave and absence
- Adoption & Surrogacy Leave
- Annual Leave
- Career Break
- Compassionate Leave
- Disruptions to working arrangements
- Flexi-time
- Maternity Leave
- Parental Leave
- Paternity Leave
- Purchase of Additional Annual Leave
- Premature Birth/Hospitalised Baby Leave and Pay
- Shared Parental Leave
- Time off for dependants
- Unpaid leave
Leaving the council
Meet the Team
Sickness Absence
- Recording Absence
- Return to Work Interviews
- Phased Return to Work
- Attendance Management Meetings
- The Stages of Sickness Absence
- Occupational Health
- Occupational Health Referrals
- Occupational Sick Pay
- Case Conferences
- Reasonable Adjustments (Disability)
- Ill Health Retirement
- Ill Health Retirement - Non Teachers
- Ill Health Retirement - Teachers
- Related Absence
- Sickness & annual leave
- Managing respiratory tract infections including Covid
- FAQ's for employees
Workforce and succession planning
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