Mental Health
Page updated: 30/05/2023
The Mental Health Section is important and relevant to all sectors of the social work/social care workforce. There are events suitable for all staff in the field. The programme is designed to link with the Mental Health Act (1983), Mental Capacity Act (2005) and the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act (2014). Courses range from Mental Health Awareness, through to more specialised topics such as Personality Disorders as well as training targeted at specific staff such as the Approved Mental Health Professional (AMHP) Programme and AMHP Refresher Training.
Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) and the Mental Health Act
AMHPs employed by Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion and Pembrokeshire.
Advanced Autism (Social Care)
All staff who may come into contact with a diagnosis of Autism.
Assessing Capacity under the Mental Capacity Act
Social workers and social care staff based within CTLDs, Transition Team, CRTs and CMHTs. Managers and deputies employed in both local authority and independent provider services.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Attention Deficit Disorder Awareness
Social Workers in the Substence Misuse Team, Adult and Integrated Services.
Autism, Asperger Syndrome and Substance Misuse
Social work staff based in the Substance Misuse Team, spare places will be offered to staff in CMHTs, CTLDs, 0-25 Disability.
Be Alert - Self Harm
3rd sector and independent sector organisations across the region
Children, Young People, Mental Health, and the Law (Refresher training for Approved Mental Health Professionals)
AMHPs practising in Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion and Pembrokeshire.
Court of Protection - Learning Lesson from Judgements
AMHPs and social work staff based in CMHTs and 0-25 Disability Team. Participants are expected to have a good understanding of the Mental Capacity Act.
DoLS/LPS Briefing Session for Managing Authorities
Registered Care Home Managers and Deputies
Eating Disorders and the Mental Health Act
Approved Mental Health Professionals (AMHPs) employed by Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion and Pembrokeshire.
Emotional Intelligence and Professional Resilience
Social Workers in Integrated Services
Interface between the Mental Capacity Act and the Mental Health Act
Approved Mental Health Professionals (AMHPs) employed by Carmarthenshire and Ceredigion
The Mental Capacity Act in Practice
The course is aimed at Social Workers, Social Work Assistants and Social Care professionals in related settings (eg registered care homes etc) who wish to develop the skills necessary to undertake time-specific and decision-specific assessments.
Introduction to The BUSS Model
All staff working in Children’s Services, including Fostering and Adoption, LD Services, Private and 3rd sector.
Legal Update Training for DoLS Best Interest Assessors
DoLS Best Interest Assessors.
Managing Difficult Conversations (Integrated Services)
Social Workers in Integrated Services
Mental Capacity Act - Best Interests
The course is aimed at Social Workers, Social Work Assistants and Social Care professionals in related settings e.g. registered care homes etc.
Mental Capacity Act (Including DoLS) Legal Update
Team Managers and non BIA social work staff from teams offering services to adults. Managers and deputies from both local authority and independent residential, day and domiciliary care providers. It is expected that all participants will have previously attended training on the MCA and DoLS.
Mental Health Act Legal Update (Three Counties Training)
Approved Mental Health Professionals (AMHPs).
Mental Health Awareness
Those with limited/no knowledge/experience of working with Mental Health issues who are seeking to develop their awareness
Neurodivergence and the Mental Health Act
AMHPs employed by Carmarthenshire, Pembrokeshire.
Organic Brain Disorders and the Mental Health Act
Approved Mental Health Practitioners in Carmarthenshire and Pembrokshire
Personality Disorder and the Mental Health Act
Approved Mental Health Professionals (AMHPs)
Relatives & the Nearest Relative AMHP Refresher
Approved Mental Health Professionals (AMHPs).
Risk Assessment and Management of People with Learning Disabilities at Risk of Committing Sexual Offences
Social work staff based in CTLDs and Transition Team
Risk Assessment within a Strengths Based Approach
Social work staff based in CRTs, Hospital Teams and Progression and Efficiency Team, applications will be accepted from other teams offering a service to adults and will be kept on a reserve list until the course closing date.
Social work staff based in CMHTS, spare places to be offered to social workers based in teams offering a service to adults.
Self Harm Awareness
All staff internally, including Fostering and Adoption, Preventative Services, 3rd sector and independent sector
Substance Use and Mental Capacity
Social work staff based in Substance Misuse Team, CRTs and CMHTs applications will be accepted from social workers based in other teams and kept on a reserve list until after the closing date.
Suicide Intervention Skills
Social work staff based in CMHTS, spare places to be offered to social workers based in teams offering a service to adults.
Supporting Adolescents with a Pathological Demand Avoidance Profile
All child care services, 3rd sector and independent sector organisations across the region
Trauma Informed Practice
Social work staff based in CMHTs, applications will be accepted from social workers based in other teams offering services to adults and kept on a reserve list until after the closing date.
Understanding and Implementing the Liberty Protection Safeguards
Team managers and Senior Practitioners from CRTs, CTLDs, CMHTs, Transition Team and Substance Misuse Team. Applications are also sought from Team Managers and ATMs based in relevant Children Services Teams.
Learning and Development
Learner Celebration Event 2024
STEP Programme
Coaching & Mentoring (1)
Transformation Project
Staff Engagement (Survey) Facilitator
Supporting your digital skills
- Coleg Sir Gar Courses
- Digital Skills for Business qualification with Gower College Swansea
- Digital Courses
- Digital Skills Levelled Framework
Welsh Language
Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence - Learning and Development
Hybrid Working Resources
- Hybrid Working Courses
- Charing a hybrid meeting
- How Do You Participate in a Hybrid Meeting
- Hybrid Meeting - Pros and Cons
Corporate Learning Opportunities
- Coaching & Mentoring
- Effective Communication
- Equality & Diversity
- Finance
- Health, Safety & Wellbeing
- Information, Communication & Technology (ICT)
- Leadership and Management
- Personal Effectiveness
- Policies & Procedures
Social Care Wales Workforce Development Programme [SCWWDP]
- Active Offer
- Assessment & Care Planning
- Community Induction Program
- Core Training
- Dementia
- Individuals Who Use Services and Carers
- Leadership and Management
- Mental Health
- Social Work Best Practice
- Qualifications
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